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Its a new day and im on my way to the nearest park. Im meeting up with the boys again. All I can hear is the birds singing and how the wind is gently blowing on my face. Suddenly I feel something grap my shoulders.

"Boo!" Max scares me from behind

"What the hell Max?! I couldve had a heart attack or something you know!" I scream to Max's face

"Sorry.. I thought itd be fun" Max says looking at the ground

"Hey its fine, just maybe dont do it anymore alright?" I say as I put my arm around his shoulder

"Hey uh, wheres Thor and Lucas?" I wonder and before I have time to say anything else I hear familiar voices coming from the bushes

"Hey careful you stepped on my shoe!" I hear Lucas whisper

"Well maybe stop being an clumsy idiot, ugh!" I hear Thor whisper

I walk up to the bush and carefully stick my hands there.

"Boo!" I say as I open the bush

"Aaah!" They yell and fall on their backs

"Hahaha! You guys are the worst!" I hear Max laugh in the backround as I grin at him

"Come on, it was our job to scare you!" Thor says frustrated

"Atleast help us up maybe?" Lucas says rising his eyebrows

I give my hands to the boys and pull them up back to their feet. We all put our arms on each others shoulders as we walk to the closest bench and sit.

"Lets have the best weekend ever! And for once we even got a girl with us" Max says and winks at me

"Mhm!" I say as I feel butterflies filling my stomach.

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Thor and Lucas tease

"Oh come on guys, shes just my mate!" Max says

I feel the feeling of a light disappointment in me which I think is weird. Its not like I like Max that way. Or do I.

"Hello? Are you alive?" I hear Max says as hes waving his arm on my face

"Oh uh uh.. Sure! No wait yes im alive!" I say as I come back into the real world from my thoughts

"Gosh are you sure your alright?" Lucas wonders

"Dont be stupid, she literally just said-" Thor is about to say until Lucas stops him

"I was joking you know! Youre the stupid one here" Lucas sighs

Me and Max just look at eachother and burst into laughter.

"It wasnt that fucking funny okay?!" Thor says frustrated and starts reaching his hands into his bag

We all look carefully at Thors bag as he takes something from there.

"Look what I got! This is how we start the perfect weekend" Thor grins as he takes a beer bottle out from his bag.

"Oh damn, ive never tasted beer" I say

"Ive taken like four sips before, its a record" Thor says still grinning

"Yeah and before that he was called sippycup" Lucas says

"Stop it you idiot! Im not a fucking sippycup anymore, im 14 now and could drink like 10 sips if I want!" Thor yells

"Calm down bud" I say and laugh. But not with my voice. That laugh where a bit of air escapes from my nose.

"Thor I dont know is that a good idea" Max says seeming a bit scared

"Max is right, were underage, you shouldnt mix beer with that" I say to agree with Max because for some reason I wanna please him.

Thor sighs and puts the beer back into his bag. We have a bit of a talk about our upcoming weekend plans and decide to spend it at my house knowing my mom wont give a shit. We have a race to the boys bikes and Max loses being the smallest one. That also means I have to take his bike as he climbs on the back to have a ride. We put on our helmets for safety and im glad to know the boys arent that stupid to risk safety. Then we head off to my house, Max waving his hands up in the air like hed be in a rollercoaster. We have a nice laugh and talk about the most random things we can think of on the way.

In love with the trashmouth (Max Newman) Where stories live. Discover now