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September 1992- December 1992

Summer ended and Jimmy helped Jessie move back into the dorms in September. She was excited about her senior year. She'd been promoted from Arts & Entertainment Editor Editor-in-Chief, since Paul had graduated last May. She spent hours and hours at the Cavalier Daily's offices, going over copy, advising staff writers, approving layout designs and of course, editing stories. Even though being the Editor-In-Chief had been her dream and would look stellar on her resume, part of her missed the dingy club scene and the open mic nights. Those assignment hadn't seemed like work at all.

She continued her trips out to the suburbs to party with Jimmy and have dinner with Virginia. She was also able to speak to Dave regularly. He and the band were taking a break and writing stuff for their new album, which meant that he currently wasn't traveling all over the world. With just a few hours time difference separating them, Dave was able to call her a few times a week. If Jennifer wasn'taround, they could spend hours on the phone and these were the talks Jessie liked best. She loved the way that Dave would open up to her, telling her about his struggle's with Kurt's drug use and Courtney Love's craziness or about how he sometimes would look in the mirror and not recognize himself.

“I don't feel like that when I'm home, when I'm with you,” he would tell her. “You're the only thing that's real, Jessie.”

In return, she'd tell him about school; about how hard she was working to get into Georgetown's Master's of Journalism Program and how much she missed reviewing bands for the Arts and Entertainment section.

“You could get a job at Rolling Stone,” Dave would encourage her. “That would be the sweetest fucking gig on the planet! You could be like a female Lester Bangs!”

They never mentioned their love lives, not that Jessie would have had too much to report. She was far too busy to have any serious relationships, but she would go on dates from time to time. Most guys wouldn't make it past the first date, however; no one could come close to making her feel the way that she did when she was with Dave.

The semester came to a close as she finished up her finals. Dave was coming home for a few days around Christmas and he had asked her to spend the holiday with him. She couldn't wait!

Virginia picked her up on the last day of finals, which also happened to be the day that Dave was flying in. She loaded her bags into the trunk and joined Ginny in the front seat.

“I didn't tell him you were coming,” she said, excitedly. “I said I thought you still had finals.”

“Was he disappointed?” Jessie asked, smiling.

“Very!” Ginny replied. They chatted on the ride to the airport about how Jessie's semester had gone and what she was looking forward to about the final semester of her undergraduate career. They pulled up to the curb at the airport and waited for Dave. Small flakes of snow had begun to drift down while they watched anxiously out the window.

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