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September - November 1993

It wasn't as if Dave's absence in her life should be all that noticeable. He didn't leave a big gaping void in her life. They practically never saw each other; they didn't speak on the phone much anymore. She had no risk of running into him. It wasn't a normal break up where you suddenly had to get used to doing things alone, rather than as a couple. Jessie had been doing things alone long before she met Dave and had continued doing so even after she met Dave, so she should be able to go on alone now, since they had ended things. It didn't make sense that she felt so crippled, so sad, so incredibly alone.

Dave had kept his word and hadn't called her. He also found it odd how much the break had impacted his life. It wasn't like he was alone. He had Jennifer, he'd always had Jennifer. And the new album had just dropped; he was incredibly busy, on the road, promoting, concerts, watching his band get bigger and bigger. He had never shared this life with Jessie, so why did everything feel so different now?

Jessie did the only thing she knew how to do. She threw herself head first into her graduate classes. She volunteered to assist professors, she tutored undergraduate writing labs. Two months in and she was already making a name for herself within the department and it wasn't long before she caught the attention of the head of the journalism program.

“With all the extra work you've been putting in,” Dr. Hugh said, peering over his glasses. “It's amazing your grades haven't suffered. In fact, you're damn near the top of your class.” Jessica smiled and nodded. “If you think you can handle it, I would like you to represent the University at the annual Journalism conference in New York City.” Jessie's eyes grew wide.

“Oh, I can handle it,” she said, nodding confidently. Inside, she was literally jumping around, thrilled to have been given such an honor as a first year grad student. She smiled like a fool the entire way back to her apartment. There was only one person she could call that would understand and share in her excitement.

“Honey, that is wonderful!” Ginny gushed. “I am so very proud of you!”

“Thanks, Ginny,” she replied. “I am so excited.”

“You should be, it's quite an honor,” Ginny affirmed.

“I've never been to New York City before,” Jessie explained. “But the school is paying for my flight and for my hotel!”

“Wonderful! There is so much to do there, but be careful, it's a big city, different from D.C.,” Ginny warned. “What dates are you going?”

“It's the week before Thanksgiving, the 15th through the 19th,” Jessie said, looking at the itinerary she'd been given. Ginny was silent for a few moments. “Hello?” Jessie asked, wondering if she had been disconnected.

“Sorry. I'm still here,” Ginny said, her voice sounding different. “It's just that… honey, it's just that Dave and the band are going to be in New York that week as well, filming something for MTV.” Jessie winced and for a panicky moment she debated not going.

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