27- Part Two - 2004

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January 2004

"I wish they hadn't pulled your hair back so tight," Carol Hebert said, frowning at her daughter. "It makes your cheek bones look so... sharp." Jessie took a deep breath and turned to Ashley.

"Is there someone else she could go criticize?" she whispered. Ashley smiled knowingly.

"Oh! Carol, I forgot to tell the caterer that Jimmy has a seafood allergy!" Ashley said, smacking her forehead. "Could you pop into the kitchen and let them know? I can finish helping Jessica get into her dress."

"And maybe you can keep an eye on them, make sure they aren't using too much butter," Jessie said. "I know how much you hate when people cook with too much butter."

"Absolutely," Jessie's mother said. "Event caterers are notorious for drowning things in butter!" She gave Jess an air kiss on the cheek and scurried out of the room.

"Thank you," Jessie said, sincerely. She plopped onto the bed and pulled her robe tighter around her. The house was alive with the hustle and bustle of wedding preparations. The hair and make-up artists had just left and it was almost time for Jessie to start thinking about getting into her dress.

"Not a problem," Ashley replied, sitting down on the bed next to her. "And your cheek bones look amazing. You have perfect bone structure." Jessie laughed.

"The maid-of-honor code," she said. "The bride is always perfectly beautiful, even if her cheek bones are too sharp." She stood and walked over to peer into the mirror above her dresser and regardless of her mother's criticisms, she liked what she saw. "Hey, Ash?" she asked, turning towards her friend. "Jim doesn't have a seafood allergy, does he?"

"Nope," she laughed, shaking her head. "I hope he's not too pissed that he's getting steak instead of salmon!" Both girls dissolved into giggles.

Suddenly, something outside the window down in the front yard caught Ashley's eye.

"Ohmygod!" she squealed. "They are here!" She and Jessie rushed to the window and looked out. Dave, Jimmy and Taylor were all climbing out of Jimmy's SUV. He shut the door behind him and with his hands on his hips, he surveyed the front yard. Then, as if he could sense her eyes on him, he glanced up to the bedroom window the girls were standing in. Jessie pressed her palm to the glass. Dave broke out in a huge smile and waved up at her. Then, with exaggerated movements, he pretended to cover his eyes, as seeing the bride before the wedding was supposed to be bad luck. Jessie laughed and when Dave peeked up at her through his fingers, she blew him a kiss. He pretended to get hit on the cheek by it, then blew her one back. He then pointed to his watch, then back up to her, telling her she'd better get dressed, he was in a hurry to marry her. She gave him one last smile before pulling the curtains closed.

"Dress time?" Ashley said, eyebrows arched excitedly.

"You bet!" she said. "Did you see how fucking good they all looked?"
"They looked amazing," Ashley agreed. "Now it's your turn."

While Jessie was busy getting dressed, Dave and his groomsmen made their way inside and through the house. There were fresh flowers in vases everywhere and caters in tuxedos were in and out of the kitchen. Dave hardly recognized his home.

"David!" he heard a familiar voice call out behind him. He spun around and saw his mother, all dolled up, smiling from ear to ear.

"Mom!" he cried, hugging her. "You look amazing!"

"So do you," she said, turning to look at the rest of the groomsmen. "You all do!" The guys smiled proudly. "I can't believe this day has come!" she sighed.

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