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(Back to present. Day of the finale. Tommy's pov. War.)

I went to get my armour on as I gathered my weapons.
'Tommy you nearly ready?' Tubbo was of course ready. I didn't like how prepared he was for this. We were either going to live or die. I hoped it was either one of us that got to come home again. I will make sure it was tubbo. He shouldn't have to be a ghost in the past.
'I'm coming tubbo stop worrying.' It went silent. I saw him waiting for me by the door his armour on already. I didn't want to bring him into this he had friends here and in snowchester. I only had him and dream. Now I was fighting one of them. I walked out of my room heading towards tubbo.
'You can back down now. You can go home you know that right?' He looked at me.
'I'm not backing down. We are in this together. If you die I die with you.' That was what I was afraid of. I didn't want tubbo to die for my greed. He just wouldn't leave me. He was always so determined.
'Let's go.' He was so cheerful like we weren't walking to death itself. We walked down the prime path. None of us talked I don't think we wanted to. That's when I heard people ahead of us. I looked to tubbo seeing him with a great big smile on his face.
'What's going on tubbo.'
'Surprise. You didn't think we were going out without some goodbyes.' I looked up to see everyone gathered around the prime path. They were waiting to say goodbye to us. To me. I walked forward getting pulled into a hug by awesamdude. He ruffled my hair.
'Go get him Tommy.' He had been like a second dad to me. He always made sure I was getting enough sleep that I was looking after myself.
'I'll make sure to bring you back a present Sam.' I smiled as more people flooded me with "good lucks." and "do us proud."
This was the best. We got to the end of the path. That's when I saw Eret. I walked over to him.
'You know what Eret even though you betrayed us. You were always the king for me.' He pulled me into a hug smiling in the process.
'Thank you Tommy. Go beat that green bastard.'
We bid everyone goodbye before following the compass.
'How far away is this place?' I didn't want to answer that I just wanted to keep walking. I hoped I would walk so fast that he wouldn't be able to catch up with me. That's what I should do. I opened my wing and took off.
'Wait Tommy!' I saw him running along behind me. I needed to fly faster. I started to notice tubbo getting slower and slower.
'Together forever remember that Tommy!' I looked behind.
'Remember I promise if you die I die we won't ever be apart!'
I stopped flying getting closer to the ground. He walked towards me.
'Never apart.' I nodded. I could tell he wanted a hug so I let him. He pulled me into a hug. I patted his head carefully trying not to make it awkward.
'Now let's go win this.'
We started to get closer to a mountain if it was up the top the climb was going to be insane.
'I can fly us up there. You just need to trust me. It might be a bit rough I'm still learning how to fly with one wing.'
'I trust you just try not to drop me.' We both laughed. God it was nice to act like a kid for once. I held onto him and flew up the mountain. I started losing balance. I had never carried someone before.
'Tubbo stay still I've never don't this before and it's even harder with one wing.'
'Do you need a break?'
'We're nearly to the top I can rest up there.' We landed at the top. I sat down taking a deep breath.
'Glad you two could make it.' I saw dream above us. He looked way more stacked then us.
'We came alone just like you wanted dream now give us the discs.' I looked over at Tubbo. He was serious now. I went to step in to protect Tubbo I knew what dream was like. But he wouldn't let me. He pushed me behind him.
'You're being very brave Tubbo are you feeling ok?' I started to get angry. Was he implying that tubbo was only being brave when he was ill? I pulled tubbo behind me getting out my sword.
'You leave him alone dream.' I watched as dream reached into his ender chest pulling out a disc. I was so tempted to run and risk everything for it. I felt Tubbo holding me back. I think he knew what I wanted to do.
'Give me the disc dream.' He chuckled.
'It's not going to be that easy Tommy. I'm not going to hand it over.' He was mocking us. Mocking me. I fell out of tubbos grasp and ran towards dream. The fight has started. I watched as the disc flew through the sky. I wanted to grab it but tubbo was in danger. I could save both. I opened my wing flying up. I caught the discs before it hit the ground.
'Oh Tommy!' I looked down to see dream holding his sword against tubbos neck.
'What are you doing..'
'The discs or tubbo. You decide.'
'Tommy don't give it to him. I'll be ok.'
I looked at the disc. It was my life's work. Yet tubbo was my best friend. I couldn't pick between them. They were the most important things in my life.
'If I give you the discs you won't hurt tubbo right.' I saw dream nod. I looked at tubbo. He was scared I was scared. I was in charge of whether he lives or dies. I offered out the discs for dream to take. The relief washed over me when he let tubbo go. I stood infront of tubbo checking that he was ok. That's when I heard dream laughing.
'You two are such idiots. This wasn't even the real disc.' I looked at the disc in dreams hand. I fell for his trick.
'Now if you want the real discs then you need to do something first.' I knew what he meant. He dug a hole infront of us.
'Stuff in the hole now.' Tubbo looked at me confused. Of course I was worrying he noticed that I was. I took of my armour placing it in the hole along with all my things.
'You as well tubbo.' Tubbo did the same. I watched dream pull out tnt blowing up our stuff. I made sure none of the debris hit tubbo. He noticed something was wrong. I was scared. More then usual.
'Now you two follow me.' I watched as dream walked down the mountain.
'Tommy what's wrong? Your practically shaking.' I didn't want to talk about anything right now. I followed dream ignoring tubbos question. He took me and tubbo down an elevator. Making sure we were behind him. We got down to the bottom. There they were. The discs. Laid out on the floor next to a nether portal. I could just grab them and run. But it was too much of a risk I couldn't lose tubbo.
'Can I see them?' I looked over at dream.
'Go ahead Tommy. But don't touch them.' I walked over slowly kneeling down.
'They are the real discs. Everything here is real.' I saw him point down a corridor. Tubbo went first I followed slowly after. Everything was labelled. Signs everywhere with other peoples prized possessions names on. Then I saw Henry and friend.
'Henry died. Friend died.'
'Nope. I just made you think they did so I could keep them to myself.'
'Why would you do this.'
'Since you came along everyone has become attached to someone or something. You brought attachment to this land. And with every attachment becomes control. If I have everything anyone loves I'll take back control of this land. That's why I cut all my attachments no one can control what has nothing.'
Did I doom the sever to this tyrants actions?
'Now Tommy your coming with me.' I stopped what I was doing and looked at dream. I wasnt going anywhere with him.
'No I'm not going with you.' I had to stand up for myself I couldn't be weak anymore.
I saw dream grab tubbo pulling him behind himself.
'No.. not again let tubbo go.' I watched the sword go against tubbos throat as he winced back in fear.
'Whether you come with me or not tubbo will die.' I didn't want that. I promised myself that I would keep him alive.
'Your coming with me and going into prison forever. I tried the easy way. Exiling you was the best way to keep you safe. But you disobeyed me so now you go into prison.' I was going to lose my best friend and my freedom. I had to fight. I had no weapons but I didn't care. I ran towards dream punching him in the face. He dropped his sword. Falling back.
'Tubbo run!' I held dream down making sure tubbo could get out safely. Tubbo ran towards the portal. Suddenly the portal flooded with other people. They had come.
'Tubbo get behind us.' Awesamedude took the lead making sure Tubbo was safe. I kept holding dream down trying to get my anger out. Then I saw it the tnt in dreams hand. It blasted me off him and straight into a wall. My whole body ached. People rushed over to dream. I didn't see people coming over to me. I heard people talking by dream. "What did he do to you? Did Tommy hurt you dream?" Was I the bad guy? Only awesamdude and tubbo came over to me to help me. At least they thought I was good.
'Tommy's trying to kill me and tubbo. He needs to be put in prison now.' I looked at the crowd. People were believing him.
'Sam you know what to do.' I tried to stand up. I tried to speak up against them. I felt sapnap pull my hands behind my back.
'No. No he's trying to kill tubbo ask tubbo. Please I didn't do anything..' They shoved me away up to the nether. Dream took them to the prison. He knew that awesamdude worked for him and would do anything for more diamonds. I looked behind seeing all the disappointed faces. One stood out in particular. Tubbo, was crying he was scared. He didn't even speak up for me. He just stood there letting me get taken away. We got to the prison entrance I didn't like it at all. It was all dark and mysterious. Dream bid sapnap goodbye as he took me to my cell with awesamdude. I saw a big blockade of lava in the way of the cell. I wouldn't be able to get out. I closed my eyes wishing that this was all a dream. I got took into the cell nothing was here only a few things to keep me sane. I sat on the floor seeing a barrier come up as dream went back to the other side.
'Good luck Tommy. I'll visit soon!' I watched as the lava rose back up covering the exit. The barriers soon dropped down.
'Let me out! Let me out please! I wouldn't hurt tubbo!' I ran forward into the lava not caring that it would burn me alive.

(Tubbo pov.)

I watched as Tommy got dragged away by dream. Why didn't I say anything? He was counting on me. I could see it in his eyes. Once Tommy was out of view people gathered around me asking questions.
"Did he hurt you? Why would Tommy betray you? Why is he turning like Wilbur?"
'Shut up!' I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs.
'Tommy never hurt me! dream was going to kill me tommy saved my life!' Everyone shut up after that. They realised that they made a mistake. They sent an innocent boy to jail.
'What have we done.' I saw everyone look at big q. I would never forgive them for this. They had sent my best friend away. After he had saved my life.
'We can't do anything yet. If we want to help tommy we need to get dream.'

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