Chapter 21: 'Breaking' News

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Katie's POV:
Anne's car pulls up to the house and everyone hops out except me. I unbuckle the seatbelt and it retracts whacking my shoulder in the process causing pain to shoot through my body. I wince but brush it off knowing I'm going to have to get used to this. I climb out of the car slowly walking towards the house. "Where is she?" I hear Sam's voice say. I didn't even notice her and Gale's cars on the street. It was already beginning to get dark letting me know we were in the hospital for several hours. "Hi" I mumble as I walk into the living room where Mike, Charlie, Jack, Gale and Sam are all sat with worried expressions on their faces. The second the words leave my mouth they are all on their feet rushing towards me. "Are you okay?" Sam asks and I nod. "Broke my collarbone and wrist" I state sorrowfully. "Damn" I heard Mike say and I just laugh at him. "I'll be okay. Can't play for quite a while though" I pout. "We'll kick some arse for you" Sam states firmly and I smile appreciatively. "We won tonight" she says after a brief silence. "Really?" I grin widely proud of my team for sticking it out without me. She nods smiling. "It was tied until the last 2 minutes of the game when Sam scored the winning goal" Charlie says. "Wow good job" I smile nudging her shoulder gently. She nudges my bad shoulder and I wince "oh shit! Sorry!" She says "it's okay. I need to get some rest though" I say feeling worn out from today's event. "No problem. Are you coming to school tomorrow?" She asks. "It depends on how I'm feeling. If I'm in a lot of pain then no" she nods and they all say goodbye before leaving.

Harry's POV:
"We've been One Direction! Thank you all for coming out tonight!" I shout into the microphone. We make our way to the top of the stage as we wave for the last time this tour. I'm sad it's the last concert of the tour but I'm also happy. We have finished another chapter in our lives and I can't wait to start the next. "Goodnight!" We yell in unison before the stage goes dark and we exit to the dressing room.

I'm scrolling through my Twitter now on the plane back to London. I can't wait to see Katie and my mum. I've missed them a lot. I go to trending topics and her name catches my eye.


What's wrong with her? Is she okay? I fumble with my phone trying to hurriedly exit out of the Twitter app and to her name in my contacts. It rings several times before it goes to voicemail. My heart picks up as I'm becoming more worried. I try her phone a second time but it goes to voicemail once again. My legs are bouncing and my fingers tapping in anxiety. "Mate what's wrong?" Liam comes up the aisle next to me. "Something happened to Katie and I don't know what". I say calling her for the third time. Still no answer. "She isn't answering my calls either". Liam's expression quickly becomes one of worry also. He sits in the seat next to me and pulls out his phone typing and scrolling rapidly. A minute later he shoves his phone in my face.

@OneDirectionUpdatesss: Someone got a video of what happened to Katie! Here it is!

I click on the video and hold it so Liam can watch as well. You can hear people cheering in the crowd of her soccer game. "Katie!" Sam yells and then kicks the ball into the air towards her. The crowd goes silent. Before she hits the ball a girl takes her out by the legs causing her to flip upside down and fall head first towards the ground. She puts her arm out but retracts it after and lands on her shoulder. A loud crack sounds. One loud enough for the speakers of this persons phone to pick it up in the video. She starts screaming and sobbing as everyone starts running towards her body laying in the grass. My heart breaks inside knowing I wasn't there to comfort her. You can hear faint sirens in the background that get closer and closer by the second before you see paramedics running towards the group of people huddled around her body. A minute later a dolly with her laying on emerges and heads towards the ambulance. Her face is bright red with a look of pain written all over it. I see my mum hop into the ambulance after they lift Katie in and Gemma and Robin speed walk towards the parking lot. The ambulance speeds off and the video ends.

"I'm sure she's fine" Liam says softly. "We just watched her be put into an ambulance! She's not fine!" I raise my voice catching the attention of the other boys. "Sorry" I sigh sitting down not realizing I stood up. "What happened?" Louis says as they all now come and join Liam and I. Liam hands them his phone and starts playing the video. In the meantime I try and call Katie again but she still doesn't answer. The sound of her bone cracking and the scream following sends chills down my spine.

"Wow" Niall says once the video is over. I stand and start pacing the isle while running my fingers through my hair. I stop and start calling my mum. "Harry." She says as she answers the phone almost instantly. "Mum! What happened?" I asked worriedly. "She's okay Harry calm down please" she sighs. "She's not okay I saw the video!" I exclaim. "She's okay Harry I promise. She just fell asleep about 20 minutes ago. She's been up all night because of the pain so I'm not going to wake her" she says. "What happened?" I repeat relaxed slightly that she is in the care of my mum. "She broke her wrist and collarbone" she says slowly. "What! When did this happen?" I say breathing more rapidly. "Wednesday" she says and I get angry even though I don't want to. "It's Friday! Why didn't you call me immediately after it happened?" I yell. "So you wouldn't do exactly what you're doing now before you're last concert" she says. "Sorry" I mumble "you're right. You're sure she's okay?" I ask again in a calm voice. "Yes Harry, she's sleeping" she says with a chuckle. "Okay. We land in five minutes and then I'm on my way okay?". "Okay son. I love you" she says a smile clear in her tone. "Love you too mum. Bye" I say and wait for her to say goodbye before hanging up.

Sorry it's been so long :( I've been overwhelmed with school. The drama in the fandom right now is giving me a headache though. I wish I knew what was true and what was just a rumor. Anyways hope you enjoyed the update.. I don't know when the next one will be up. Thank you for your patience.

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