Chapter 3: Meeting New Friends

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It's Monday and I'm on my way to school with Anne. I'm dressed in simple skinny jeans and a white and grey striped top with the sleeves stopping just below my elbow. I have white keds on my feet. As I am getting out of the car I throw my bag over my shoulder and follow Anne. Once I get my schedule I say goodbye to Anne and walk to my first class. This is going to be really awkward because school has already started so I'm going to have to awkwardly walk into class. Everyone is going to be staring at me. As I find my classroom I turn the doorknob and walk in. Just as I guessed all eyes were on me. I handed the teacher my late pass. "Class this is our new student from the United States, Katie. You can take the open seat right over there" the teacher says pointing to the back of the classroom. As I scan the classroom while walking to my seat I notice a familiar face. It's Gale and his seat is right next to mine. "Hi Gale" I whisper as I sit down. "Hi!" He whisper-exclaims and smiles. I return the smile and turn my focus to the teacher who is introducing British history. This is the first day of the school year not only for me but for everyone here. Before I know it the bell rings and I am walking out of class with Gale. "Long time no see" I say as I look at my schedule trying to figure out where I am supposed to go next. "I'd say" Gale responds with a smile even though we just saw each other 2 days ago. "What class do you have next?" I ask Gale wondering if he has Calculus just like I did. "Calculus, what about you?" He says. I smile and say "same". Im glad to already know someone here or this would have been a long day. We enter the classroom and sit down next to each other towards the middle. Class begins almost immediately and the teacher is talking about what every teacher is going to talk about today, the rules and the class itinerary. I zone out not wanting to hear the same thing multiple times today.

I wonder what the guys will be like when I meet them? I feel so stupid for not even realizing that When Anne said Harry and Gemma she was talking about Harry Styles. How could I be so oblivious? Oh well, I get to meet One Direction! This is going to be exciting. I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the bell ringing. I say goodbye to Gale because we do not have anymore classes together until last period which is Chemistry. Im heading to French class and after that I finally get to go to lunch. I sit down in the back corner of the classroom waiting for class to start when a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes sits next to me with a grin. "Hi, I'm Sam what's your name"? "Katie, it's nice to meet you" I smile back at her. "Same. Do you know Gale?" She asks "I saw you talking to him in history". "Yeah I met him on the plane ride to London". "Awesome! Would you like to sit with us at lunch"? "Yeah sure that would be great" I say knowing that I have no where else to sit. "Okay, follow me after class" she says before turning her attention to the teacher that started to talk. This has been a good day so far. I met a new friend that isn't a guy and it turns out the Gale and I go to the same school.

The bell signaling the end of class rings and I get up and follow Sam to lunch. Anne packed me a lunch so I don't have to worry about waiting in the long line to get my food. As we enter the lunch room and I instantly see Gale and smile. Sam and I make our way over to him and sit down. I sit in between Sam and Gale and begin to eat my food when 3 other people sit down at the table. "Hey guys!" Sam grins. "Hey. Who's this?" One of the 3 boys that sat down says. "I'm Katie..." I say a bit timidly. They are all staring at me and it makes me a bit uneasy. "Well Katie, I'm Jack. This is Mike and Charlie" he says pointing to his left then right. I just smile and continue to eat. They all are muscular so I am assuming they play some sort of sport. Jack has short dark brown hair with brown eyes and dimples that aren't noticeable unless it is a sincere smile. Mike has shaggy blonde hair with blue eyes. Charlie has sandy brown hair with green eyes. They are all quite attractive if you ask me. "Earth to Katie.." Gale says while waving his hand in front of my face causing me to snap out of my thoughts. "Oh.. Uh sorry.." I say blushing due to embarrassment. "We asked if you wanted to walk around town with us after school today" Mike says with a hopeful glint in his eyes. "Yeah sure. I'll just text Anne and let her know she doesn't have to pick me up" I say while pulling out my phone and clicking on Anne's name in my contacts.

'Hi Anne! I met some new friends who want to show me around town after school so you don't have to come get me. I'll be home by dinner time.'

I hit send and tell them I have to be home by dinner around 6. They all nod and continue on with the conversation about where we will go. I don't know any of the places they are talking about so I will just have to wait and see where they take me.

'Okay Katie! See you then. Stay safe.'

I love Anne she's a mom yet at the same time she is like a best friend. She doesn't care what I do as long as I let her know. The bell for the end of lunch rings and everyone says goodbye. I begin to walk to my next class dreading listening to my teacher talk about what all the rest of the teachers have talked about all day.

To my surprise the last few classes flew by in a flash and I was already walking out the doors with Gale. We waited by a bench for Sam, Mike, Jack, and Charlie. After about 5 minutes of sitting there waiting they emerged from the doors and waved at us. We both waved back and started walking towards them. "Hey guys" I said smiling as we began walking towards what I assume are the shops in town. "Hey" they all say in unison. "So where are we going"? "Well there isn't much in this town other than shops an restaurants and that type of thing so we figured we would just walk around" Sam said. "Okay" I said smiling. I don't really care what we do I'm just glad I have someone to hang out with. As we entered town we stopped in front of a store that had the news on. "Oh guys, hold on! I have to hear what they are going to say!" Sam screeched. I was confused until I saw 5 recognizable faces flash across the screen: One Direction. "Next week, One Direction heartthrob Harry Styles will be returning home to visit his family except this time he won't be alone. The rest of One Direction will be joining him! Maybe some lucky fans will happen to run into them." Sam squealed causing me to divert my attention from the tv to her. "Oh my gosh! Guys we have to try and find them when they come!" I smirked to myself. If she only knew that I will be staying in the same house as them. I probably shouldn't tell her this though or she will probably do some crazy fangirl shit. I laugh a little just thinking about her freaking out. "What's so funny?" Jack asks and everyone turns to look at me. "Um.. Nothing?" I say as a question instead of a statement. They all give me curious looks before we start walking again.

Soon enough we all strolled into the school parking lot laughing at how ridiculous Charlie was for chasing birds practically all the way back. He is such a child but really fun to hang around. "Can someone give me a ride home?" I ask as everyone begins to get into their cars. "I can!" Sam yells while waving me over to her car. I smile and climb in waving goodbye to the guys. I tell Sam my address and she begins to drive. "So.. Do you like Gale?" She asks raising an eyebrow and glancing at me before returning her gaze to the road. "Um.. I don't know. He's a really nice guy but.. I-I don't really know". I don't think I like him? I mean I never really thought about it. Why would she ask that? "Why?" I ask curiously. "Let's just say he may be interested". She giggles while glancing at me quickly. "Don't look so scared, he's not that bad!" "It's not that, it's just I don't know if I'm interested. He's nice I would just rather stay friends for now". "That is understandable. You just got here so no rush" she says with a wink. I roll my eyes as we pull into my driveway. "Thanks for the ride Sam". "No problem! See you at school tomorrow" she says smiling. I turn and wave before entering the house and shutting the door. "I'm home!" I yell and Anne walks out of the kitchen with a smile on her face. "How was your day?" She asks as we sit down on the couch. "Good. Met some new people and reunited with Gale". "Gale?" Anne asks confused. "The guy from the airport that you kept bringing up..". She smiles and a look of realization takes over her expression. "Ahh yes, Gale". She winks at me before getting off the couch and walking towards the kitchen. "Dinners ready if you would like to come eat". I nod my head and follow her into the kitchen.


Okay well I updated kind of fast but I was bored so that's why. Anyways hope you enjoyed. All rights reserved. Must ask me before you do anything with my story.

Until next time!

Follow me on twitter: @katieantony

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