Chapter 10: Definitely More Than Friends

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Katie's POV:

"Hey wanna come over to work on that project?" Sam asks as we are walking out of school. "Yeah I'll text Anne". Anne was going to be late because she had to do something so I'll just text her to tell her she doesn't have to come. 'Hey Anne, I'm going to Sam's to work on a project. I'll text you later with a time to pick me up'. She texts me back with a simple okay and I hop into Sam's car and we drive off to her house.

"Just let things happen. Don't rush anything. Give him a chance to explain at least" Sam tells me as we finish our project up. I texted Anne to come get me a couple minutes ago so she should be here in about 10 minutes. "Okay" I sigh agreeing with her. She's right I should let him explain at least. He tried to this morning but I just left. I hear a honk outside letting me know Anne is here. "You will bring this project to school tomorrow right?" I ask and she nods. "Bye, I'll see you tomorrow" I say hugging her and grabbing my bag. "Bye Katie. Remember what I said". I nod and leave. When I'm outside I notice that it's not Anne in the car it's Harry. I take a deep breadth and hop in buckling up. "Hey" he says as he is backing out of Sam's driveway. "Hey" I respond politely. "How was school?" You can tell he is trying to strike a conversation but he's just asking simple and meaningless questions. "You sound like my mother" he just chuckles and doesn't respond. "Katie" he says after a while of silence. "Harry" I retaliate looking over to him as he drives. "Please don't be mad at me. You're question caught me off guard". He glances in my direction briefly before refocusing on the road. "I'm not mad, do you have an answer to the question though". He glances at me again briefly licking his lips and rubbing the back of his neck like he is nervous. "I really like you Katie and I wanna be more than friends if you are willing to give me a shot". My body freezes. Did he really just ask me that? I'm so happy words cannot describe it. "Harry, pull over" I whisper. "What? Why!" He panics. "Just do it" I can't seem to get anything above a whisper out. He pulls over but locks the doors probably thinking I'm going to get out but I'm not. "Katie look, yo-" he starts but I cut him off as I climb over the center console and smash my lips to his. He is shocked at first but it doesn't take him long to react. Our lips move in sync as he puts both hands on my hips and slightly lifts me allowing me to move my leg onto the other side of him and straddle him. My fingers wind into his hair as I try to pull him as close as possible. He pulls away and looks me into the eyes "is that a yes?" I nod with a smile and he smiles back. I peck his lips quickly before crawling back over to the passenger seat. Once I buckle in I look at Harry to see him staring at me with a small smile playing on his lips. "What?" I ask wondering why he is staring at me. "I'm just glad I'm able to call you mine" I can't help the smile that instantly spreads across my face. I grab his hand in mine as he starts to drive home once again his thumb gently rubbing the back of my hand.

When we get back home I head to my room to finish up the rest of my homework and I hear Harry talking to the boys. I plop in my headphones and get to work.

About an hour later as I'm finishing up my last problem in Algebra 2, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my neck and a head rests on my shoulder. The curls tickling my cheek gave away who it was and I smiled pulling the headphones out of my ears. "Almost done?" He asks. "Mhm" I hum and write the answer to the problem and close my notebook. He unwraps his arms from around me and pulls my chair backwards so I can stand up. Once I stand up I walk over to him and engulf him in a hug sighing in contentment and nuzzling my head into the crook of his neck. I love being in his arms. "You don't think this is too soon do you?" I question. "Absolutely not. Even though we haven't known each other very long I feel like I've known you all my life" he says and kisses my forehead. I'm glad he said that because that's exactly how I feel. "Let's go eat dinner" he says and I nod stepping out of his embrace and following him to the kitchen. When we walk into the kitchen all eyes are on us making me a little uncomfortable. "The new couple has finally decided to join us" Louis smirks and my cheeks heat instantly. I look to see everyone has smiles even Anne, Gemma, and Robin. I was nervous to see what they would say but they seem perfectly fine with it. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Robin got back from a month long business trip last night after I went to bed. I sit down and begin eating. "So how was your trip Robin?" I try to spark conversation and take the attention off of Harry and I. "Ehh, just some boring business stuff. Nothing too interesting" we all nod and continue eating.

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