21. Unexpected

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"The best kind of love is with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time."

Obviously, I had postponed the meeting that was supposed to happen at twelve to the next day. The girl, Patricia, was not happy with the change as she told me that she was a very busy lawyer and she couldn't handle unprofessionalism. Immediately, I pictured her as Jessica Pearson of Suits.

This made me conclude that this meeting, too, was going to be a waste of time. If she couldn't handle unprofessionalism, then how in the world was she going to handle Ashton, who was in every sense the exact opposite of 'professionalism'? I, honestly, failed to understand the basis of candidate list compiled by Priscilla. Didn't she know her own son?

'I'm not her son.'

Ashton's words echoed in my head, making me wonder about the chances of it being true. I recalled my meeting with Priscilla on the first day of this project. The way she had talked about Ashton didn't support his statement at all. In fact, I had never seen her talk about or look at Dylan with as much affection. But then why weren't they in talking terms? What had happened? What went so wrong that made the relationship of mother and son so bitter?

I rubbed my hand over my face and looked up at the clock to see that it was half hour past seven in the evening. But there was still no sign of him as my eyes went towards the door. I cursed myself for waiting till this long for him. I was reaching new heights of stupidity. I didn't even know whether he was going to come back or not. He had very conveniently switched off his phone the moment he stepped out of this apartment in complete rage. Even Dylan was unsure about his own brother.

I had repeatedly told myself that waiting for him was of no use and it was not going to help. But a small part of me; the small part that had managed to come to terms with my silly crush on Ashton, which proved to be a much stronger part than its contemporary, made me wait, made me a fool by consoling that this wait was going to be worth it.

With a sigh, I turned off the television, which was on just for the sake of being turned on. A yawn escaped my lips, which aroused the need to stretch my body. Pulling the rubber band out of my bun, I ruffled my hair to provide a little relief to hair roots. Almost immediately, I was sprawled on his couch, welcoming sleep with open arms and closed eyes.

Loud banging noises made me jerk up from my deep sleep. I looked around and it took me a good one minute and continuous loud knocks to realize that I was still at Ashton's place, where I had fallen asleep. That realization brought with it another realization that most probably the person on the other side of the door was Ashton himself. My eyes widened and snapped towards the wall clock. The clock was literally staring right back at me with a taunt that it was almost eleven at night. I had let sleep take complete control over my senses. My head whipped towards the door when I vaguely heard some cuss words being thrown at whoever was inside the apartment. Well, in this case it was me who was inside the apartment.

And the cuss words verified my suspicions. Yes, it was definitely Ashton!

A sigh in relief escaped my lips followed by a smile that he was finally back. I jumped my way towards the door and opened it for him.

"You sh*t faced, motherf-" He stopped in between saying some precious words the moment his eyes fell on me. His eyes widened to the size of saucers and his mouth fell wide open in shock of seeing me in his apartment so late at night. His widened eyes made me notice his eyes that looked dilated. His wide open mouth was enough to make me smell the alcohol that he must have taken before coming back here. He looked drunk just like it was expected out of him. But, thankfully, he wasn't swaying and wasn't even taking any support to stand up right. He truly could handle alcohol well.

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