13. Hate

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Chapter - 13


“They don't know what love is. Here they learn what hate is, and I am so sad that they might never know love because hate came first.” 
― A.S. King, Everybody Sees the Ants

Day - 5

"Tiffany Rogers - twenty-five years old. A dietitian by profession, she loves to stay fit and works to achieve a healthy environment around her. Her hobbies include swimming and horse riding. Her favorite book is-"

"Let's come straight to the point," Ashton interrupted me and continued, "What's her figure?"

I looked up from my phone only to scowl at him. He looked happy with my reaction as he smirked and got more comfortable on the bench on which we were currently sitting. "I don't know and please just shut up," I begged him.

He ignored my pleading and commented, "I like curvy." I rolled my eyes at him and focused back on my phone as I read the other details of our next candidate, Tiffany, for whom we were waiting at seven in the morning in this park. "Like you," Ashton added, making me snap my head In his direction.

"Pervert." I glared at him.

"Ms.Uptight." Was his comeback with a very smug smirk on his bearded handsome face. I chose to ignore him till Tiffany decided to grace us with her presence, as my reactions were probably tempting him to irritate me more.

"Who keeps a f*cking date at seven in the morning on a Friday?" he asked incredulously.

I wanted to say 'I know, right!' But decided against voicing out my opinion in front of him. He had already irritated me to extreme levels in the past half an hour, since we left his apartment till now. One of the reasons of both of ours grumpy behaviour was definitely coming to this park so early. I had to wake up at thirty minutes past five to take a bath, get ready and reach Ashton's apartment by thirty minutes past six. My tasks didn't end there as I had to do a strenuous task of waking Ashton up so early. For the last few days he had been highly pissed off at me as I used to wake him up around eleven in the morning. Imagine his reaction after waking up at six thirty. Now he was taking out all his frustration by making all kinds of perverted jokes on me and thereby, irritating me.

My silence made him ask me further, "Why the f*ck are you wearing formals in a park?" I looked down at my beige pants and light blue shirt with a frown. It was all Tiffany's fault. Who in their right minds keep a date meeting in a park at seven in the morning? Ashton hadn't even taken a bath. He wore a pair of tracks with a plain black t-shirt. Still, he looked hot. I, on the other hand, was truly defining 'uptight' in this morning walk park.

"I didn't know we were going to have a meeting in a park. I thought we were going somewhere for breakfast," I justified myself, finally breaking my silence.

He snickered at me and said, "I actually can't imagine you in a lingerie." With this comment, my resolve of ignoring him came back with full force. Noticing my silence, he added, "I can imagine you in your birthday suit, though." That was the cue for my cheeks to turn red but I willed myself to not give any satisfaction to him by giving away my embarrassment. He was doing this on purpose. "Are you a virgin?" he asked innocently, making me gape at him in shock.

"You are an idiot," I hissed with red cheeks. "Just shut up and don't talk to me." He was happy with my outburst, obviously. He smirked his devilish smirk and rested his hands behind his head, looking at me with a content sigh.

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