Billie Dean Howard x Reader - Crush Part 2

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Part 2 like y'all requested :) would anyone wanna see some Ally stories? let me know

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Part 2 like y'all requested :) would anyone wanna see some Ally stories? let me know


It has now been around a week since Billie assigned you as her assistant and saving you from your annoying co-worker Jeff. At first you thought she was joking and didn't actually mean it and only said it to annoy Jeff but when you arrived the next morning Billie showed you to your own office. Her old assistant recently left to her old home and she was looking for someone anyway and you seem to fit the job description well after Jeff literally made you do assistant stuff anyway. You thanked Billie for ages and try to make it up to her by doing your job well and making sure she has everything she needs. 

Truth to be told since you have been working with her closer this last week your feelings have only grown stronger for her. You take in more little things about Billie like the way she gets quite nervous before interviews and her doing adorable things in front of the mirror to prepare being on television. She always smiles and jokes a lot with you and would sometimes touch your shoulder or arms and it literally makes you crazy because you would blush and feel butterflies. This morning is somewhat slow and all you had to do so far is to get Billie her Starbucks order which you loved to do considering she is actually grateful for these things unlike Jeff before. 

Right now you are sitting on your laptop concentrating on rescheduling some appointments when you are interrupted by a soft knock. ''Come in'' you say happily and when Billie walks in your smile only grows wider. ''Hi Honey, I was wondering if you can help me out with something?'' she says while approaching your desk. You cannot ignore her calling you ''Honey'' and for a minute you just look at her, probably looking like a fool in Billie's eyes. ''Yes anything'' you finally answer and she hands you a letter. ''Listen I am so sorry about not telling you before but I have this big kind of gala thing tonight a lot of important television people will be there and my old assistant was joining me but I forgot to ask and if you don't have any plans do you wanna come with me?'' she asks. You look at the letter and see the invitation, it's quite a big gala and you have heard of it only dreaming of attending. A small part of you is confused whether this is  work related or she just wanted you there but her mentioning that her old assistant planned to attend your hope dies down quickly. ''Sure I'd love to'' you say and Billie gives you a big smile. ''Um what am I supposed to wear?'' you ask her quite terrified of the idea of people wearing big dresses and you don't really own these things. ''Oh right'' Billie says and looks down thinking of something. ''Do you own any nice dresses?'' she asks and you think for a second, you do own some black dresses one with some glitter that might work. ''I think I have an idea'' you smile and as Billie leaves she smirks. ''You can leave early to get ready, meet me at the address at 7'' and with that she leaves the office. You sit back in your chair and sigh looking forward to this evening but also freaking out. After finishing the rest of your work and turning your laptop off you rush home to get ready.

After taking off your work clothes and your feet hurting from wearing heels all day you go into the shower. As the warm water touches your skin you can't help but smile as you are so excited to spend more time with Billie. Although she is your boss and a few years older you really wanna be near her and it gets harder and harder to ignore your emotions but you don't wanna mess up or lose the job. After drying your body and applying some of your favorite lotion after shaving (just in case) you find yourself in front of your wardrobe. You pick out a black dress with some glitter and decide to try it on.

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