Cordelia Goode x Reader- On different ways

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A/N: Hi I'm back with another one shot! Hope you have all been well. ❣️

Warnings: angst, sad, hurt


It all started like any usual morning. It was one of those beautiful kind, the smell of fresh coffee in the air, the sun greeting you through the window. With each step you took down the staircase of the coven, you felt more at home and safe, so familiar with the faces of the witches and students passing and greeting you and the smell of magic in the air. As you walk past the kitchen, you glance into the hallway and notice the front door being slightly ajar.

Even though you aren't a witch and don't have any special powers or magic, you always knew when Cordelia was around. Maybe it was that special supreme sparkle, as you called it and often joked about in order to make her smile, or maybe it was her light perfume that had long registered as the smell of home to you in your brain and heart. You see her standing by the stairs and slightly bending down, gracefully as ever, wearing a beautiful dress with flowers printed on them. Your mind wanders off for a second, as the view in front of you was picture perfect.

Long blonde curls falling perfectly, the dress matching the atmosphere outside, little purple and yellow flowers starting to grow near the gates of the academy and of course her face. As she turned to you and saw you, Cordelia instantly smiles, the sun revealing her beautiful features. ''Hi there'' she smiles, before biting her tongue ever so slightly. You noticed she often did this when you were around one another. For a moment you both just stand across each other, both smiling and eyes meeting each other.

''Oh this is for you by the way, sweetheart'' she smiles and pulls a letter from the little stack, handing it to you. As soon as you saw the adress on the letter, your heart started beating faster and the color seemed to have been wiped from your face, as you had a feeling what this was gonna be. Cordelia would always notice the slightest changes, especially when it comes to you. ''Are you okay sweetheart? no bad news I hope'' she asks emphatically. You simply force a smile, shake your head and walk into the coven with her.

Her question was much more complex. Of course it could be answered with a simple ''Yes'' or ''No'' but in this case it seemed impossible. As you opened the letter a few days later, trying to drag it on as long as possible and pretend you don't have to open it, the content confirms it's both good and bad news.

Growing up, you always seemed to have a rough idea what you wanted to do once you were old enough and as more time passed, you got the idea of how to do that. You had your career pretty much settled, a good job in a great company until fate sent you on a different path, making it impossible to stay with your old firm and having to figure something else out for a while. And you did, it wasn't much but you found a coffee shop in New Orleans that hired you. It wasn't where you wanted to be but you enjoyed giving people a little bit of happiness, even if it just meant making their coffee or breakfast orders.

You didn't exactly plan to stay in New Orleans forever, managing to get a room in the apartment of your co-worker at the time. It brought you joy, going into work in the mornings, talking to a few regulars and bringing a smile to their face. One day everything changed however when a blonde woman walked in, with the brightest smile of them all, mistaking her for an angel at first, as you couldn't believe she was real.

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