Chapter 1 The Beginning

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Warning! Changes are being made to this story so please be patient with me while I edit this story...You may get more details and a deeper look into the family with these new chapters, you may see Easter eggs from my other stories and if you do comment egg on it so I see you got it. I hope you all enjoy the changes to this story and hope you all are doing well.

Tony's Pov:

"Do you have any family?" I froze...I looked at Yinsen as he watched me...

"My father." I said.

"You say that like you are not sure." Yinsen said.

"Yeah well...Dad and I don't have a great relationship...I don't blame him." I said.

"Why is that?" Yinsen asked.

"It's my fault that my mother is no longer in this world...I could of stopped it...I could have told him how it happened...Who did it but...I didn't." I said thinking of Stanes smile.

"Why didn't you tell him?" Yinsen asked and I remembered Stanes grin as he whispered if I told dad that he'd be next.

"I could lose something just as important." I said.

"Is it worth it?"

"I'm not sure anymore...He hates me more everyday." I sighed when we heard gun shots.

"Rescue?" Yinsen asked when the door busted open and they immediately shot him making my eyes widen in horror.

"Anthony." I froze my body going cold. I looked at Stane feeling my stomach twist. "There's my little merchant of death." Stane said in that tone that made me ill. I felt my heart stop as he and the armed guy walked toward me. I glanced at the pistol...I'd rather be here and be tortured for another 3 months then go with him. "I'm here to save you." He said.

Howard's Pov:

"Do you think he's even alive?" I asked as I stared off into space.

"I'm sure, Anthony is fine. He's very tough." Jarvis said as he sat a cup of coffee in front of me.

"I regret so much now...I should have treated him better...Loved him." I said.

"You do love him, sir." Jarvis said.

"I wish I had shown it to him more...Showed him how proud I was of him...Maria was so much better at being a parent than me...It would have been better if I had been shot." I said.

"Anthony would have been just as devastated to lose you...If you're that concerned, sir, as a longtime friend I suggest changing. Spend more time with him..."Jarvis said.

"Thank you, Edwin." I said.

"You're welcome, Howard." He said.

"You always try to get my head out of my ass." I said.

"Someone has to...that ego of yours always causes problems." Jarvis said making me laugh...I'll make it up to you son...some way...somehow.

Tony's Pov:

"From you?" I asked and Stane's smile strained. "Deal went south?" I asked.

"Tony." Stane said in a warning tone and I lashed out grabbing the pistol and placing it to my head making him tense.

"I'd rather die than go anywhere with you." I spat.

"You don't have the balls." Stane growled and I cocked it as I stared him in the eyes.

"I have been tortured for 3 months...You think I care if I die?" I asked chuckling. "I give no fucks about dying cause at this point it's looking better then living." I said and Stane smiled.

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