Chapter 41

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Goodbye, For Now.

"I fell in love the way you fall asleep slowly, and then all at once." – John Green


The last two weeks of senior year passed by in a blur and before I knew it, the day every senior dreams about, was upon us – graduation day.

It's crazy how fast time flies when all you want it to do is slow down.

After finals, all the seniors pretty much had free reign on what they were doing. The teachers were glad to finally not have to teach us anymore, and all we wanted to do was be done with school.

Unfortunately the school had cracked down on attendance in the last two weeks of school because too many people were either ditching or just not showing up at all, and we still had to show up to class. Even if it was to just talk amongst ourselves, while some random movie played in the background.

I may or may not be guilty of the latter a few times.

As I stood at my locker for the last time emptying out all of the books and forgotten snacks, it felt surreal and bittersweet.

On one hand, it was like a weight was being lifted off my shoulder and I was happy to be closing this chapter of my life. But on the other hand, I couldn't believe it was over and that we would all be going our separate ways.

Senior year has been one full of unexpected surprises, but I wouldn't change anything about it.

It's taught me a couple of important life lessons, one of them being that I am never alone. Brooke and Caroline have both been with me every step of the way – and along the way Aiden and Lucas latched on as well. Whether I was lonely, sad, happy or a total bitch altogether, they never once batter an eye when it came to being there for me.

It's also taught me to be open to change and not take things so seriously. If you had told me freshman year of high school that I would be skipping school and half-assing assignments, I'd have laughed in your face.

This year I quickly learned that having your nose in a book will only get you so far.

"I can't believe this is finally happening." Caroline called out from a few lockers down where she was throwing out a bunch of notebooks in the trash can she had dragged from an empty classroom.

"I know I said I can't wait for high school to be over," Brooke replied. "But I think I'm actually going to miss it."

"Ha!" I laughed. "I don't think I'd go as far as to say that I'll miss it but... it'll definitely take some getting used to not driving here every morning."

"Shut up." Brooke playfully rolled her eyes as she began walking towards Caroline and I – already having cleared her own locker. "Just admit you're going to miss it."

I couldn't help but scoff. "The day I admit that, is the day pigs start to fly."

"What am I going to do without you two next year?" Caroline shoved the last notebook from her locker into the trash before giving it one more glance and slamming the door shut. "Michigan isn't too far, but California is all the way on the other side of the country!" 

Although the waterworks hadn't started, her eyes were glassier than normal.

"Care, you know we're just a text and phone call away." I tried reassuring her.

"And it's not like we're not coming back during long weekends and breaks!" Brooke added.

"I know, but it's not the same." She continued to pout before groaning. "I'm going to have to make new friends. And you know, people don't like me!"

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