Chapter 8

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As I was getting ready for the dance, I kept feeling butterflies in my stomach. Okay scratch that. I felt the freaking animal planet in my stomach filled with nerves and anxiousness. Part of me thinks that tonight is going to change my life for the better, instead another part of me believes that miracles only happen in those rom-com movies. The nerves got worse when I started thinking about Ryan and thinking of all types of scenarios, hoping that it would be a night I would never a good way of course. I know I usually seem confident at school and everything, but Ryan is the only person that makes me feel so nervous. However, that's not going to stop me from having some fun. I might have made some slight changes with my costume, let's just say "Something old, something new, something borrowed, and Something Blue!

While my mom was helping Sam with her costume, I was finishing up my make-up. I am now excited and ready to go, it is so great to see Sam do something for herself. She really deserves a night out, even if she has to wear a disguise. After finishing up, we finally arrived at the homecoming dance. The hall looked amazing, students in different styles of costumes everywhere, the music is hot, the lights are so cool; so right now, I am getting good vibes right now. However, I am slightly nervous about seeing Ryan and what could happen tonight. I guess when it comes to Ryan, I get butterflies in my stomach and smiling like the Cheshire Cat whenever I think of him. So of course, as soon as I enter the building, I am looking for Ryan and I have a gut feeling that this is going to be a night that I will never forget.

~Ryan's POV~

Maybe the Three Musketeers wasn't the best costume idea. After school, the boys and I went to pick up our costumes from the Halloween store and Austin's costume got lost. Right when I ask my dream girl to come to the dance, I'm going to be in a ridiculous costume. That is the last time I ever listen to David's ideas. Stupid David! So, I'm standing here with David while looking for Jasmine, hoping that she shows up tonight, as Austin approaches us in his "Prince Charming" costume. "Hey. What's up, guys?", Austin greeted. "Sorry about your costume getting lost, Austin"., I said not pleased. "It's all good, my friends.", He replied. "Uh no, it's not all good, bro. Now we don't get to be the Three Musketeers. You get to be Prince Charming, and we're the two wimps in wigs.", David said gesturing to Austin then flipping my wig. Well, glad that Austin finds this hilarious, now we make no sense. I just hope Jasmine doesn't laugh, because I was hoping she would like it.

My thoughts were interrupt when David asked who I was looking for. "My bad. What did you say, man?", I asked. Austin and David look at each other confused about my behavior. "Dude, are you looking for.... her?", Austin asked raising his left eyebrow talking about Jasmine. David, more confused than ever and I didn't think that was possible, was looking at us both hurt and lost. " Uh 'her' who? I want to know too, you guys.", he said. "Nothing.", Austin and I both said in sync, hoping to change the current subject.

Jasmine's POV

Geez and I thought I was a nervous wreck about tonight, but Sam is on a WHOLE new level. She was covering herself with Carter's cape like her life depended on it. "Sam, will you take the cape off already? You look amazing.", Carter begged. "Seriously! Carter's costume doesn't even make sense without it. And besides, your admirer won't be able to find you if you're heading like Batman with the cape.", Jasmine tried to reason. "I'm sorry, I'm just freaking out here.", Sam stated. "Well, listen, it's going to be okay, all right? Now, hurry up. It's almost 11:00.", Carter said comforting his nervous friend while arriving at the entrance. Sam quickly stopped both of them, "Guys, wait. Remember, I have to be back in the diner by 12, okay?". Carter instantly coming up with a plan, "Okay, give me your cell phone". Sam bent down and unhooked it from her shoe and handed her cell phone to Carter. "I still think that's a bad place to put it.", Jasmine said while shaking her head. Sam gave Jasmine a look which basically means "don't start". "It's not like I have any pockets to put it in.", Sam complained. "How about bring a small purse? What if you lose it, Sam? But as long as we can get you here and out with no problems then I'll be fine. Honestly, I'm just glad you're finally out.", Jasmine replied. "I'm going to set the alarm for quarter to 12, okay?", Carter informed Sam. Once we finally got that situated, Carter finally got his cape back and started walking down the stairs already. Just as Jasmine was about towards to the stairway, she noticed Sam didn't move a muscle. "Sam, what's wrong?" She asked. Sam started to look pale and panicked, "I don't think I can do this. I can't go down there. What if he sees me and runs for the hills?".

Jasmine grabbed Sam by her shoulders trying not to shake her friend back to her senses. "Sam, stop worrying. You look beautiful and if he doesn't like you then that is his loss. You are an amazing girl with a big heart. Who shouldn't waste her night out hiding and missing out on meeting her possible true love.", Jasmine explained. "You're right. Thanks Jasmine.", Sam thanked her best friend feeling slightly confident. Sam started walking then stopped before getting close to the stairs. She looked back at Jasmine and held her hand out silently asking her to come with her. Jasmine smiled and accepted her friend's request and were just about to descend down the stairs. Carter was so focused on tying his cape back, he didn't even notice he was alone until he saw everybody looking up at the stairs. "Guys, what are they all staring at?", he looked back and finally noticed he was alone. He looked back to the top of the stairs and proudly watched his two best friends holding hands and walking down the stairs. Sam and Jasmine both decided to put their masks on to add a little mystery to their costumes. It didn't help with the blinding spotlight on the girls which drew the crowd to looking to.

Ryan was completely blown away by the beautiful bride and instantly knew who she was. Words couldn't describe what he felt when he saw her walking down the stairs. He didn't even notice Austin looking at the princess or David looking at both of the girls. Carter escorted both of his friends to the dancefloor.

"Love the dresses. Hate them.", Shelby stated with jealousy. Everyone was splitting up like Moses and the Red Sea just watching us. Sam was still nervous about her admirer until Jasmine and Carter stole her attention. "Sam, don't worry, okay? Any guy would have to be completely insane not to like you, all right?", Carter said. "Besides, you look amazing. You've been turning heads since you walked through the door. Lastly, I think even Shelby looked a little jealous. Look in all seriousness, Carter is right. You are a great person with an awesome personality, mind and soul. Don't forget that. Now if you need us, we will be right at the bar.", Jasmine comforted her friend before grabbing Zorro and leaving Sam on the dancefloor. She was so distracted with watching her friend, she didn't notice she walked right into someone. "Oh! I am so sorry. I wasn't paying any-", Jasmine stopped right when saw she ran into Ryan.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 ⏰

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