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Chapter 8 

"Pidge! Novia! How are you?!" Abuela exclaimed in greeting as Pidge and Lance entered the McClain household. The older woman smiled brightly as she pulled the brunette into a strong hug. Her long greying brown hair hung loose and framed her aging but still beautiful face. Pidge loved how much Lance looked like his grandmother. All the way from their gorgeous aquatic blue eyes to their charming and joyful smiles.  

“I'm wonderful, Abuela,” Pidge smiled.

“Good. Has mi nieto been treating you like the angel you are?” the older woman asked, giving said grandson an accusing but amused glare.

Abuela,” Lance groaned. 

Pidge watched as her best friend blushed and walked over to the counter where his oldest sister was mixing something in a large bowl. “He’s always the best.” 
Pidge had to force down a blush as Lance lifted his eyes to hers.

Abuela laughed, catching her attention, “Splendid. Means we’ve done something right. Now, tell me about everything that's been new with you.” 

Letting the grandmother lead her over to the island in the kitchen, the brunette settled atop one of the stools, Lance soon joining her but standing beside her. “Nothing really new. School is school and friends are the same.”

Yup, nothing new. Except my now uncontrollable crush on your grandson.

“Really? Nothing to report?” 
Pidge only shook her head in reply. “What about you, mi nieto?” 

“Pidge pretty much nailed it on the head.”

Abuela scoffed, “Well I find that very hard to believe. It's the first week of your junior year. You kids must have something fun to share,” she said, watching them as she peeled a cucumber. “What about any new love?”

“Abuela please, not every student has a love story each year,” replied Lance’s older sister, Rachel. She had unintentionally saved both of them from a strong blush that appeared on their faces. There was no telling how the grandmother would have reacted. 

Probably poke and prodded me with a mixing spoon till I spilled, the brunette thought.

Though Pidge didn't know why Lance was blushing and the sight of it made her stomach drop. He hadn't said anything to her about a crush or being attracted to anyone and she knew he wasn't blushing because his grandmother asked. 
He had joyfully told his Abuela about his little infatuation that he had over the high school's resident princess. And in front of her at that.    

“I know, but it would still be nice. Love is always a beautiful thing,” she turned backs towards them and smirked. “Once acknowledged, that is.” 
Ok, was it her or was she saying that directly at Lance? What was that supposed to mean?

“Pidgey!” two small voices called from the hallway. Small feet pattered up to the stool the brunette was sitting on. Nadia and Silvio smiled large, bright smiles at her. They were Lance’s niece and nephew from his older brother, Luis, and Pidge absolutely adored them.  

"Hey, don't be stealing my nicknames for her," said Lance as he ruffled his nephew's hair. 

"They can steal whatever they want," Pidge smirked. "They're cute." 

Lance rolled his eyes and watched as the two children grabbed his best friend's hands, pulling her from her seat in earnest. "You've got to come see Kaltenecker! She's gotten so much bigger!" Nadia yelled. Kaltenecker was Lance's childhood Cow that lived in the barn and pasture behind the house. "She's so fat!" 

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