Moving on with new lengths

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Chapter 24

Sunday, November 17th

"Why do we need to be here again?" Pidge asked from her brother's couch. It was 11:30 am in the afternoon and the brunette was already considerably bored as she watched her older brother plunder through a basket or two of clothing. 

"Shiro asked if I could bring him his clinic scrubs." 

"How does one forget to grab their work scrubs. Doesn't he always keep them in a bag?" 

Matt huffed out an air of relief, a dark purple scrub shirt and matching pants in his hands. He looked to his sister, "We did laundry Friday but seeing as someone had to turn 17, we didn't get a chance to put them up because we had to buy a new car Saturday." 

He was blaming her for his lack of ability to put away his own clothes? Dork. He just didn't want to admit to being too lazy.

"And they have to be a certain pair because…?" She had seen at least 4 pairs of different scrubs, just walking in the door. Why did they have to be purple?

"It's clinic day. Meaning he'll be interning in the offices outside the hospital. So he needs his purple clinic pair." 

Pidge nodded and hauled herself up from her slouching position. "It's Sunday though, what clinic is open on Sunday?" And who interned on a weekend? Wasn't that against rules or something? 

Matt opened the apartment door for her and let his little sister pass before closing and locking it shut. "Clinic isn't open but they usually take him around and show him how to do files and stuff. It's a good way for him to get used to the paperwork. Not to mention if he's going to be a doctor, he's going to have to work weird hours." 

So they wanted to give the students a real life course. Not a bad idea, considering most medical students dropped out because of the hard times it came with. It was a good way to prepare them and weed out the weak. "Doesn't that kinda suck for you?" Matt had to miss him. Especially with both of them doing classes and Shiro working too. 

Matt shrugged with an expression of aloofness, "I'm used to it and I know I'm going to have to get comfortable with it. Being a doctor takes up a lot of time." 

The brunette nodded in understanding. If Matt planned on any kind of future with his boyfriend, then he would have to adjust to not only his future life and career but Shiro's as well. Otherwise the relationship wouldn't work if all the couple did was grouch over what the other wanted to do with the rest of their lives. The sister was impressed with how well her older brother was taking it. It took real maturity to handle such a situation. 

"So where are we going after we drop off the scrubs?" 

"It's your day. You're the driver. You choose." 

Pidge desperately wanted to remind her brother once again that today was not her day but didn't as she knew Matt would just ignore her and try to avoid the subject. He did kidnap her that morning for a sibling day in honor of spending time together because apparently Lance took his opportunity with the car. 

Wasn't like the cuban held a gun to his head. He could have tagged along but she was glad he didn't. It would have ruined the sweet moment on the field...well, ruined what the security guard hadn't. She was still slightly miffed over that. 
Lance had almost kissed her. She had almost kissed Lance!
The confusion over what was going on between them could have been fixed with a simple touch of lips. But now she was just more perplexed. Was it just a in the moment thing or did he really want to kiss her? At least if it happened and he fully kissed her back then she would have an answer. No one will participate in an embrace of lip contact if they don't want it. 

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