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Chapter 16

Wednesday, October 23rd.

"What kind of movie genres do you like?"

Pidge lifted her head to level the jock in front of her with a confused gaze. The question had to be at least the tenth one he asked since the class started and all of them involved him finding out something new.

About her. 

The player had smiled largely at the brunette when he sat down in his spot beside her. 
It had been a couple of weeks since the first Friday night lights and the boy had yet to bring up the conversation that Lance had interrupted. Which she was grateful for. She really didn't want to have that talk. 

But he still sat very close to her every second period and tried to be at her side the moment he caught sight of her in the halls. 
Lunch was about the only time he actually let her be while being in the same room and it was starting to grate on her nerves. 

"I don't actually have a preference."

The brunette tried to keep her answers and responses short. She didn't want to seem rude but also didn't want to encourage him to continue with trying to make small talk. 

"That's cool. I personally like action. Do you like any action movies?"

So far, nothing seemed to shut him up, though. He didn't care If her answers were simple and uninterested. He didn't even seem to care that she didn't ask any of her own questions. 
He just talked. Not deterred in the slightest. 

It was impressive but super annoying. He was becoming super annoying. 

At first, he was great. A cool guy she considered a friend. He was someone she shared common interests with. They discussed topics they both liked. He helped her in social studies and sometimes, she would offer advice on his math homework. They had exchanged numbers to do just that. 

But now, It was creepy how they only talked about her. Griffin just wanted to talk about her interest and her likes and dislikes. He wanted to know about her home life and her family. He wanted to hear about her childhood and what she was like as a small girl. 
He never wanted to know about her friends, though. She noticed how he tried to bypass any conversation when it came to Lance or even Keith. 

Allura was an okay topic for him, that is, as long as no boys were brought up. Not even the captain's boyfriend. 

"I don't really follow movies, Griffin," she responded, only glancing at him momentarily before focusing back on her paper.

"How come?" 

Pidge sighed. Another question.

"I have other and better ways to spend my time."

She did watch movies. Just mostly with her friends and family. Mostly Lance and Keith. 
Which she knew he wouldn't appreciate hearing. 

"Doing what?" 

The brunette huffed in frustration. Flattening her palms on her tabletop and preventing her hands from bawling into fists and showing her anger. "Like paying attention and completing my history work." 
Her voice was steady but teetering on the edge of pissy. She needed him to understand she was done talking and wanted to finish her paper. Hopefully, without him getting upset with her tone. 

"I can just do it for you," he said, smirking. It was almost like he enjoyed that he was capable of making her irritated and distracting her. 

"I know you can and I appreciate all your past help but I would like to do this one on my own, though. Copying someone else's work can only get me so far." 
She had depended on him for far too long. Her class grade had gone up, which was good. But she found that it depressed her a bit, knowing that it wasn't because of her own hard work. 

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