𝐌.𝐅 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐈𝐈

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No one's POV

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No one's POV

Y/N woke up tired, he couldn't really sleep but got up nonetheless. He changed into ( Clothing of your choice ) and went downstairs where he found Kate, the boy, and flora who he had met yesterday with Kate " Oh you are finally up " Kate said as she drank some tea that Mrs.Grose had made " Yeah, couldn't really sleep. " Y/N said as he looked over at the boy who had been staring at him " well this is Miles, " She said with a small smile as she motioned for Y/N to shake his hand, he sighed and walked over to Miles not really thrilled " I'm Y/N " Miles looked up at him from where he had been sitting and gave him a toothy smile.

" Pleasure Y/N " He took his hand and shook it but when Y/N tried to pull his hand away, Miles stroked his arm and gripped his arm. Y/N furrowed his eyebrows and yanked his hand away while staring at him, Kate noticed this and looked between the two " Why don't you eat some breakfast Y/N? " He looked over at her and nodded.

Y/N sat down beside Kate and ate some of his breakfast, he only listened to some of the conversations they were having and looked back up when Kate got up to go see who was calling. Miles looked kind of worried as she walked away in which Y/N took notice of.

He and Miles looked at each other quietly until Miles struck up the conversation " You're a pretty good dancer. " Y/N looked down at his tea and nodded " Thanks, didn't know Kate had to take care of another kid. " Miles only laughed and shook his head slightly " Nah that's just for flora, what about you? are you her son or something? "

" No, she's my aunt I just decided to tag along well not that I really wanted too " Y/N was surprised at how casual the conversation was until he noticed Kate walking back with a concerned look on her face. " something wrong? " Y/N said in which Kate shook her head " No, why don't you go hang out with Miles or practice dancing I have to start my lesson with flora after talking with Mrs.Grose anyways. " He stared at her then looked over at Mile's who looked kind of anxious on what he was gonna say " Uh...Sure I won't go far then " Miles smiled and stood up " we can go hang out in my room, I got some guitars "

 Kate looked at him and cleared her throat. " Arent you going to take your plate? " She said while looking at him, his smile turned to a frown " No? that's not my job, are you going to ask me if I'm gonna go cut the grass next? " Mrs.Grose intervened " That's fine I can take them, go ahead and take Y/N with you " Y/N frowned and stood up as he grabbed his, miles and floras plates " I got it, Mrs.Grose. " Flora smiled at him and stood up from her seat " Thanks Y/N! " Y/N smiled at her and nodded before walking to the kitchen, Miles's frown only grew as he followed Y/N into the kitchen.

" Why are you doing that, that's Mrs.Grose's job," Miles said as he watched Y/N was the few plates, he looked over at miles and sighed " Well it doesn't hurt to at least help out a little, she is old and needs a break yknow. " Miles shrugged as he leaned on the counter beside Y/N " I mean we're all gonna die soon anyways " Y/N looked over at him with confusion but shook it off as he continued to wash the dishes.

Miles waited for a few minutes and looked over at Y/N and stared at his face he thought Kate was pretty but Y/N takes the cake especially for being a guy. All he was looking forward to was talking to Y/N after he saw the way he danced, it was kind of heartwarming which is a big deal considering that miles was a cold and not very sociable person. Y/N noticed him staring and gave him a confused look as he dried off his hands " What do I have something on my face? " Miles shook his head and looked down taking notice that he finished.

" Great now let's go to my room," He said with a smile and grabbed Y/N's arm and basically dragged him to his room. Y/N looked around Miles's room " Cool right? " Miles said almost sounding a bit nervous but still had that hint of confidence in his voice " Yeah, although I can't really play instruments, " He said as he stared at the guitar in the corner of the room Miles looked over at him " I can teach you if you want I mean.." Miles said as he rubbed his neck in which Y/N smiled " Yeah that would be cool. " Miles grinned and kind of let his arms fall to his side as he stared at him " Cool. " The two stood in awkward silence which was killing Y/N on the inside so he decided to say something " Uh, can you play something? " He said as he gestured towards the guitar, Miles looked at the guitar and nodded. He walked over to it and picked it up then looked back at Y/N who had sat down on the ground.

Miles sat down beside him and adjusted the chords before he started to play, Y/N watched him it didn't really sound like he was playing anything just going with whatever sounded good

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Miles sat down beside him and adjusted the chords before he started to play, Y/N watched him it didn't really sound like he was playing anything just going with whatever sounded good. Miles continued to play until both him and Y/N heard the door open revealing Kate. " Oh hey kate," Y/N said as he smiled slightly, Miles just rolled his eyes " Can't you knock? " Kate sighed and looked at Y/N " Why don't you go get to know Flora better or give your parents a call? " Y/N gave her a confused look and glanced at Miles who was now frowning.

" Why? me and Miles are hanging out " Y/N said don't get him wrong he loved his parents and knew that Flora was a sweet girl but he never actually got a chance to hang out with someone around his age " I just need to talk to Miles for a bit. " Kate said as she crossed her arms, Miles glared at her now clearly bothered " Can't you just leave? " Y/N noticed the tension and looked between the two " Now Y/N, " Kate said as she ignored Miles " Okay, Okay," Y/N said as he stood up not wanting to get in big trouble, he was gonna walk away until he felt Miles grab his arm.

" Can't you stay for a bit longer?" He said after placing his guitar beside him Y/N shook his head " We can hang out more tomorrow, but you can come to my room anytime you want " Miles stared at him and thought for a bit before nodding and letting go of his hand. Y/N smiled and walked away as Kate watched him.

" Y/N come play outside with me! " Flora said in which Y/N sighed but followed her nonetheless.

word count: 1270

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