Day 2 (Pt5)

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Paul tucks his phone in his pocket and elbows Joseph, "C'mon, we gotta go." Paul says, grabbing Warren's wrist and pulling him down the hallway.

"Uhh, where? What's going on?" Warren asks in pure confusion. That was until Paul opened the bathroom door and the two found Sam sitting against the tub with his knees to his chest and his arms wrapped around his legs. "oh shit." The two teens make their way over to Sam, Paul pulling him into a hug.

"Hey'll be okay."

"I'm still confused, what's going on, Sam? Did something happen?" Warren asks, putting his hand on Sam's shoulder, "you okay?"

"Not really," Sam responds, pulling away from Paul's hug, resting between the two, "why?"

Warren rubbed Sam's shoulder, "I'm sorry, dude." He says, half smiling at Sam.

"I mean, I don't even know why I like him. I hardly know him. Wh-Why would he—" Sam hesitates... "Why would I just expect him to like me? That's not how it works. But, god, I'm bad at making conversation. How would I even start trying to get to know him?" He says, his voice cracking a little bit. If he was going to be completely honest, these two are the only people who have ever seen Sam cry. Not his cousin, his aunt, his uncle, not even Kelly. And it's only happened twice, they've only seen him cry twice. The first time was when his parents died, and the second time is—well, right now.

Paul ruffled Sam's already messy hair, "Just ask questions, but try not to be insensitive. John's a smart guy, maybe one day ask for help with your homework, or just ask him to hang out. I don't know him that well, but he doesn't seem like the kind of guy to flat out deny you, so you have a chance with him. Plus, if he doesn't like you on down the road, he's missing out! And it'll be on him. But right now, just start out with a simple conversation from time to time, don't try to force anything. 'Kay?"

Sam nods, "Now, wipe your tears. Everything'll be okay. It just takes time, these things. Also, if you have any simple questions about him, like what his favorite show is or something, you can ask me." Warren says, giving Sam a side hug.

Sam wipes his face, letting a small smile creep on his face, "okay..." He says, letting out a shaky breath.

"You've survived your first Gay Panic, I'm so proud." Paul says, poking Sam's side.


"Sorry" Paul laughs, "Let's go, man."

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