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Two Weeks ago


Sitting on her bed, Y/n Looked out her window of her room. Y/n was a UA student in class 1A. She had joined class 1A a few months later than everyone else for personal reasons. She had also gotten into UA with a recommendation. [H/C] girl wasn't in the dorms though because it was a weekend. She had wanted to spend time with her family, but they all were busy today.

The girl watched as rain poured down the glass, her [E/C] pools looking from left to right seeing which one of her raindrops would win the race. She smiled as the one of the left had one. Y/n sighed as she looked at her phone. No missed calls, no missed texts, no notifications, no nothing. Yet again she was never the kind of girl who liked talking to people. She just didn't know how to express herself.

Y/n had her warm, oversized hoodie on as she had cuddled her pillow. She looked up at the ceiling and sighed. How did everything end up having to go so wrong? It wasn't fair. Recently, Y/n ha been having huge fights with her boyfriend, Yuuto, sometimes she would even question if she was loved by him.

She sighed again as she lied on her side. Was she really going to cry over him again? She hated crying over dumb things like this, but she just couldn't help it. Y/n loved her boyfriend, but he was such an asshole to her. She thought if she loved him, he would love her just as much. The [H/C] girl thought she would. No. Could change him. That wasn't the case at all.

Just as Y/n was about to sleep, a knock on her door could be heard. Who could that be? Y/n heart began to beat fast. She didn't want anyone to see her like this, weeping over a jerk like him. She honestly had no idea why she cared for him that much.

Quickly wiping her watery eyes, and sniffing a few times, Y/n took a deep breath before attempting to answer, whoever was there.

"Who-Who is it?" she asked in a quiet voice, Y/n has stuttered and she cringed at herself for not being able to speak clearly. A sigh of relief could be heard from the other side of her bedroom door, before someone answered her question.

"Its Yuuto...Y/n, look we need to talk.

Y/n furrowed her eyebrows. Why the hell was he here? What did he want? Y/n questioned things before another knock was heard on her door.

"How the hell did you even get in my house, Yuuto?" She asked, as the door opened to reveal her asshole of a boyfriend.  The boy scratched his head and looked at the girl's [E/C] pools with his own purple ones.

"God, don't yell at me." The purple haired boy replied as he leaned on her doorway. "I remember you telling me, earlier today, that your parents wouldn't be home, and your brothers aren't home either. No one came to answer the door so I let myself in." He told Y/n

I didn't tell him shit. Y/n Looked at him before her eye twitched. She stood up and faced him dead eye. "Oh my god Yuuto." She screamed out loud. She was lucky she was home alone, or else her father would scold her for yelling in the house. It felt kind of good to be the one screaming, instead of him. Y/n  picked the skin around her fingers while trying to explain to her boyfriend that this was creepy.

After Y/n was satisfied, she stopped screaming, holding the hem of her hoodie. "Whatever, What's there to talk about anyway. I think you've made it clear that you hate me." She exclaimed to the boy as she picked her skin too hard, causing herself to bleed.

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