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Walking in the lunchroom, Y/n looked around, trying to see if her usual spot wasn't taken. She usually sat alone or near her quiet classmates so she wouldn't have to make small talk. Today was different though. The cafeteria was crowded with more people than normal and her spot was taken by some 2nd years.

Y/n let out a huge breath of air, trying to decide what to do. That's when she heard a PING! Come from her phone. With one hand, she curiously took out her phone, trying not to spill her food. She looked at the first thing on the screen. It was a text from Izuku.

"Hey, look in front of you!" Izuku's text read. Confused, Y/n looked up from her phone. A few tables away sat her her green haired friend smiling at her. He motioned her to come sit with him and his friends. Shyly, she slowly started walking towards them.

"Hey! L/n, how are you?" Uraraka asked the [H/C] girl as she sat down at an empty spot.  Y/n set her food down and let out a little sigh.

"I-if I'm being honest, I'm quite tired."  The girl spoke as she grabbed her chopsticks and started to eat her rice.

"Ah really? Did you get enough sleep last night?" Uraraka spoke as she ate her bread. Everyone who was sitting near Y/n looked concerned. Iida, Todoroki, Uraraka and Izuku to be exact. Y/n took a glance at Izuku and he looked at you, trying to find out what you will say next.

"Yeah I did actually, I think it's because of all the new training I've been doing." She responded as she took some small bites of her rice.

Uraraka smiled and nodded before enjoying her bread.

After about two minutes, Y/n stopped eating and looked at her bowl. She hadn't been eating much and she just noticed. She looked back up and saw Todoroki starring at her blankly.

"Are... you not hungry?" Todoroki asked the female. Y/n froze and put her lips in an 'm' shape. This got the attention of Iida, the class rep.

Y/n remembered all of the comments her ex made about her body.

"Stop eating, you're gaining weight."

"Don't wear that, it shows that you're bigger."

"Work out more."

Y/n wasn't that hungry, but she knew she needed to eat. She didn't know why he was still making her feel bad. They were broken up with, she was supposed to feel free. But.. She didn't. She still felt like she was fat and wasn't good enough. Why couldn't she feel happy all the time, instead of when  she was hanging out with Midoriya. It would only last a few hours.

"I.. Guess not." Y/n told the split haired boy. This caused him to furrow his eyebrows. Iida then stood up.

"L/n! It is my duty as class representative to make sure all of my classmates are well! Even if you're not hungry, your body still needs to eat!!" Iida exclaimed as he moved his arm back and forth repeatedly. Y/n's eyes widened as she noticed how much attention he was causing towards her, and Izuku noticed it as well because he tried to get him to be more quiet.

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