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You always felt like a normal kid and everyone else did around you too. When other kids your age started to get their quirks it wasn't a very big deal to you. You just thought of it as a 'meh' thing. It never occurred to you that some people relied on their quirks. As for you? No. You didn't NEED to rely on your quirk. You could live just as fine without it.

You got your quirk at 5 and 1/2 years old. Yes some people might think that it was a little late for a child to get their quirk but who made the rules anyway? At the time your childish mind didn't care if people were tall, short, chubby, skinny, if you had dark skin, or light skin, even different colored skin or hair. What you did care about though was if someone was nice to you. Quirk or no quirk, quirks didn't define who you were.

That brings us to the question. Why did people care so much about having a better quirk or being quirkless? If you were being honest with yourself, being quirkless wouldn't really be the worst thing in the world. I mean you were quirkless once too. When you were little though.

"What can you do Y/n?"

"What's your quirk?"

What can you do?



I mean there isn't much to say.

"My name is Y/n and my quirk is called Fire force." 5 year old you told the class with a smile on your face.

Yes. Fire. Its quite beautiful isn't it? Fire is supposed to be hot and destructive. It's supposed to burn things and hurt things, but you don't want to do that. You never did actually. You didn't even want to become a hero until your mother left. She made you sad, angry, and upset and evil people and things.

When you're stressed, you usually go outside and find a water source, whether that be a puddle, a pond, even some rain. That's when you take your anger out. You use your quirk and watch as the fire sizzles the water, creating steam. Its quite soothing. Other than that, you didn't take your anger out any other way. That is until people started talking about UA.

Obviously many people wanted to get into UA high. It was a very good high school with a very good hero course. Out of nowhere you wanted to go. You wanted to stop bad guys and evil people and UA was your ticket to that route. You started training your quirk, trying to control it. You ended up getting in UA and you were quite happy.

The only problem was that you still weren't comfortable with people and you would still get panic attacks or anxiety attacks in the middle of the night. The staff at UA understood this and they let you take online classes for a few months. A regular high school wouldn't do that for you but UA was different I guess. You were thankful.

During this time, you and your now ex boyfriend were not getting along at all or at least you didn't like the things he did. He would always hang out with other girls and use excuses like "Were just friends!" or "don't worry about her." You had enough of it. You guessed it was why you guys broke up. You just weren't compatible with each other. He also didn't like the fact that you went to UA.

Anyway, your quirk was somewhat helpful. You could also make a string like whip out of fire, you would sometimes use it if you were far away from a target. You could only do it if you focused your mind on the target, it was extremely hard for you though. Your mind was always thinking of the worst possible thing that could happen.

While you were doing online classes, you had to go in person to get your heroes license so you could use your quirk in public. It wasn't too bad and you actually felt more comfortable with people. Overall you were ready to attend UA in person, so you got all of your stuff ready and when the day came to go in person, you were not as nervous as you thought you would be.

The first day of UA for you was somewhat hard because so many people were greeting you, you felt overwhelmed. After awhile you learned to keep to yourself and you were fine with that. That's the way you liked things. That all changed the day you were assigned the partner project.

Midoriya was your partner and you were doing a project on hero society now compared to a society without quirks. It was basically a topic that your teacher chose for you both. It was a compare and contrast project that your teacher had assigned. You liked the whole concept but you had no idea how Midoriya felt about it.

Deep down though, you felt like this project was going to be fun, especially with Midoriya as your partner...


I just thought I would do a short filler chapter to explain some things. I also made a bunch of changes to the chapters before this one.

Word Count: 855

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