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Waking up in the morning, when there was school was quite hard for you, especially when you had BURNED your hand. You had to hie the burns with using only bandaids, since you didn't want to draw attention to yourself.

You were quietly sitting at your desk, with your hands in your lap. Class had already started and you tried your best to pay attention in class, but unfortunately you kept dozing off.This also caught the attention of your tired teacher.

"L/n come up and do this problem on the chalk board." Mr Aizawa told you as you quickly snapped over to the front of the class. You looked at your teacher without saying anything. You thought you could hear the snickers of your classmates, but in reality nobody cared. "Well?" You heard Aizawa exclaim again. You stood up and walked over to the board.

When you were up there he handed you the chalk, but as he handed you it, he noticed your hands covered in the bandaids. 'Oh Shit..' you thought to yourself as you quickly pulled your hands down. He looked at you for a second before talking again.  "Show me how to figure this out." He told you, acting normal. 'Maybe he just thought you hurt your hand falling?'

You pulled up the chalk on the board, making faint, light, lines on it. Luckily for you, you understood these types of problems. You had no trouble getting the final answer. You then showed your teacher the answer. Mr. Aizawa nodded his head. "That's correct, but start paying attention in my class, or you'll fall behind. 

"I'm sorry! I will!" You said as you headed back to your seat.



Before you knew it, it was the end of the day. That meant you could relax for the rest of the day..or night. You actually wanted to work on the project with Izuku, so you decided to go and find him.

Looking around the dorm common room, you finally found him sitting with Uraraka and Todoroki. You wanlk up to them and sat down on the couch.

"H-Heyo!" You said to them with a smile. Getting smiles returned to you, you fiddled with the hem of your shirt.

"Hi L/ n, Todoroki said to you as you gave him a small wave.

"What are you guys doing?" You ask them, as you didn't want to intrude if they were talking about something. You didn't want to be a Bother.

"We're just talkin'!" Uraraka replied to you as she gave you the sweetest smile ever. The was so nice and bubbly, how could anyone hate this angel?

You nodded as you bit your lip, trying to find what to do. It was pretty awkward between everyone. Was it because of you though? Did you make people feel awkward? Or were you just an awkward person? You didn't know, but you certainly did not want that impression. You decided to try and lighten the mood by talking.

"So uh, Izuku? Do you wanna work on the project later tonight? We need to catch up on starting the final draft." You spoke, Your words coming out softer than you intended. Izuku looked at you and then to Uraraka.

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