My script

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Hey guys, so this is the original script that I decided to use while trying to shift and it is the script I use for the next two days. I do change my script later on and try to make it better? Idk lmao

My desired reality is Teen Wolf
My desired reality sets in 2012
My desired reality takes place in Beacon Hills
I am going to be a werewolf
My family consists of my mom, my dad, and me. My family and I are not millionaires but we do have a good amount of money where we can buy most stuff that we want. I am an only child because my parents decided they only wanted one kid. We were famous back in our hometown because of what happened, but we move to Beacon Hills because we wanted to get away of what happened and no one was going to know who we were in Beacon Hills. My family and I move in next door to Melissa and Scott. Before I became a werewolf, my family and I were really close. But, after the bite, I started drifting apart from them because I didn't want them to get involved and end up getting hurt.
My family and I moved to Beacon Hills because before Beacon Hills, my family and I lived in a small town in California. For 17 years I was an ordinary girl. Until the night it happened. My friends and I decided to go to this back to school party that was going to take place a week before our senior year was going to start. We stayed at the party until 2am. That was when we all decided to leave. On our way back home we were all drunk and were singing songs to the top of our lungs. That was when it happened. We ceased into someone (or something?). We all got out of the car to see what it was. The next thing I know was that these guys came out of the Forrest and took my friends. That was when the person we had hit got up from the ground and bit me. I started screaming and before I knew it I passed out. The next day I woke up at the hospital with a headache and confused. That was when the sheriff walked in and told me what had happened. Another car was going through the same road my friends I were in and and when they saw me passed out on the middle of the road they stopped and got out of their car. The guys in the car automatically called the ambulance, the police, and my parents. When everyone arrived the police questioned my parents and asked them if I was alone. My parents responded saying that I was with two other girls. The police went in search of my friends and what they found were their bodies. They were dead. This is when my parents decided it was best for us to move to Beacon Hills. We could all have a fresh start and forget what happened.

October 6 1995- I was born
August 27 2001- I start elementary school.
May 31 2006- I graduate from elementary school.
August 28 2006- I start middle school
September 4 2006- I meet my two best friends.
May 29 2009- I graduate from middle school.
August 24 2009- I start high school.
August 18 2012- The accident happens.
August 25 2012- My family and I move to Beacon Hills.
August 27 2012- My first day of senior year starts at Beacon Hills High School.

Character scripting
I am a 5'3 brunette 17 year old girl. My favorite hobbies consist of reading, painting, playing the piano and skating. I am a white female that has brown eyes. I own a 1980 Jeep CJ5 (this is a great topic starter for when I meet Stiles).

My dad is a 6'2 blonde guy with blue eyes (the opposite of me. Weird, I know). He works in this big company that sell a lot of stuff. He always leaves for work at 7am and doesn't come back until 6 or 7pm.

My mom is a 4'11 brunette female with brown eyes (just like me). She has her degree in pharmaceutical so she gets a job working at a pharmacy. She leaves for work at around 9am and doesn't come back until 6 or 7pm like dad.

The pack
All of the pack are exactly how they are in the show. In my version of the story, Allison never dies. She survived and decided she wanted to get back with Scott. Kira and Malia don't exist. Seeing as Allison is Scott's live interest Kira isn't in the story. I am planning on being Stiles's love interest so Malia doesn't come in the story either. Other than that everyone remains the same.

Scenario scripting
At first, I don't want to meet anyone. I'm still not over the death of my friends. But, Scott smells me and knows about me so he decides to get closer to me so him and the pack can help me. I then become super friendly to everyone. I'm always cheerful and smiling. And, I have a big crush on Stiles that I tell Allison and Lydia about.

At first, Stiles doesn't want me in the pack. He thinks that I will only mess things up. He then sees me drive my Jeep and becomes enthusiastic. He starts asking me questions about my Jeep and realizes I'm not that bad after all. We then start hanging out more and more and Stiles starts developing a crush on me that he tells the boys about.

The pack
Everyone else in the pack remains the same as in the show.

Bullet point scripting
*When I get bitten, I don't realize it's from a werewolf. That is until I meet Scott and he realizes what I am and he helps me during my first moon.
*I am a straight A student in all my classes. Stiles realizes and asks for my help in chemistry. I agree and we go to his house after school. This is when things start going down.

Waiting room
My waiting room is a small house in the middle of the Forrest in the middle of nowhere. I had one bedroom, one bathroom inside the bedroom, a closet in the bedroom, and a hallway outside the bedroom. All of this is in the second floor of my house. In the first floor we have the living room, the dining room, the kitchen, and the laundry room. I go to this waiting room before shifting to my desired reality and I stay here as much time as I need. Once I'm ready I lay down in my bedroom and I then shift to my desired reality . When I open my eyes I am on my bed in my room in my desired reality.

Extra things to remember
-I will go back to my current reality by saying the word "pumpkin"
-My clone will NOT tel ANYONE that we have shifted.
-I am in a safe place. No harm can happen to me here.
-Stiles will always protect me and will not let anything happen to me.
-NO supernatural creature can harm me.
-I am a well respected werewolf and outside creatures fear me.
-I am constantly with the pack and am never alone.
-Once I am done shifting I will go to my bedroom and say my safe word.

I know this script sucks lmao. I wrote this script down the first day I found out what shifting was and was not really aware of how descriptive or how well to do it. Like si mentioned before, I do end up changing my script almost completely and I feel like it does end up better lol.
All the love

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