February 8 2021

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Tonight was when I decided to completely change my script (I will post it later on and show you guys my new script). I also decided to try a new method for shifting. I decided to try the Estelle method.
This method consists of you either sitting down or laying down (it doesn't really matter). You will then put on your headphone and listen to a slow song which you are able to slow dance with. You will then close your eyes and imagine a character from your desired reality standing in the middle of an empty room (it can be a love interest from your desired reality, a friend, a family member or anyone you wish). You will then visualize them asking to slow dance with you and you will accept. You will slow dance to the entire song and once the song has ended you will imagine your character saying "It is time to come home" while opening a door. Inside the door there will be a white light and you will walk towards it. You will feel as if you are falling and you will feel symptoms such as a headache or itchiness around your body. I do recommend you say your affirmation while all of this is happening because it can improve your chances of shifting. Then, everything will turn black. This is when you have shifted and if you wrote down in your script that you will smell something then I do recommend you wait until you smell that item and then you can open your eyes.
(Btw, these methods are what I know so far from them. I may be mistaken or I may miss something. If so please let me know in the comments and I will make sure to edit these posts and update you guys on these methods. I also recommend you guys do more research on these methods and not simply take my word for it).
I did this method sitting down while listening to "put a little love on me" by Niall Horan. AND GUYS, I WAS SOOOO CLOSE TO SHIFTING!!!
Everything I mentioned that is going to happen started happening to me, I was super itchy (don't scratch btw, try not to move), I had a headache and I started hearing rain fall (something that I did put on my script this time). Also, in my new script I wrote down that my eyes are going to automatically open once I have shifted and my eyes were moving soooo much. As if they wanted to open. What I was waiting for was the smell of coffee and brand new books (I wrote down in my new script that I will smell these things once I have shifted) but I never smelled them.
Literally, once my brother screamed I stopped being itchy and my eyes stopped moving. I was sooo close to shifting guys:(
I'm going to try again tomorrow and hopefully it'll happen this time.
All the love

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