Introduction/Author's Note

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Hey everyone! Welcome to the fic. This will be a Narcissa x female original character fanfic. I included trigger warnings in the story details, so be sure to pay attention to those if there may be something that upsets you. I will be updating them as the story progresses.

I'm not entirely sure where I want this story to go or how it's going to end, so feel free to leave suggestions and comments on things you want to read! Also, leave any (polite) comments on things I can fix or change to make the story better/easier to read; I'm always looking for advice to improve my writing.

Reminder: please be kind. This is my first story, and I'm not the greatest writer of all time. Additionally, be kind to each other in the comments!

Background on the story/oc:

This story starts six years after the second wizarding war (2004). Lucius left Narcissa the estate following the war and moved away after they divorced. 

The main character's name is Nayana Calliope McCallister. She is a pureblood witch. She is also an adult (pedophilia is disgusting and not allowed here) and graduated from Hogwarts the year before the Battle of Hogwarts.

^I don't want to give away too much of her character/plotlines pertaining to it, so read to find out more.

^^ Additionally, I'll try to keep any music/movies/media I use in the fic as accurate to the time as possible, but I may slip in a few things that were made more recently if they fit the storyline.

^^^ Finally, this will be the movie version of Narcissa, although she is the book Narcissa's height.

That's all I have, so happy reading! I hope you enjoy it, and I'll try to update as often as possible. :)

Ethereal {N.B.}Where stories live. Discover now