Chapter 19

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A loud knock on the door sent Narcissa running from the kitchen to the parlor. Naya couldn't help but laugh at her excitement as she followed her. The older woman pulled the door open with a wide smile.

"Come in, come in," she ushered, holding the door open for the men. Harry held a car seat, while Draco carried a diaper bag. They had ginormous grins on their faces as they walked into the piano room with the women. Once they were situated on the couches, Harry lifted a small baby from the car seat.

"Narcissa, meet your grandson, Severus James Malfoy," he announced as he laid the baby in the woman's arms. She took him delicately, holding him as if he were made of glass. Narcissa's smile grew infinitely, and she cooed quietly as she ran her finger over the boy's cheek.

"Hello there," she whispered. Severus's little blue eyes fluttered open, and a small content smile pushed up the corners of his mouth. Narcissa played with his little fingers, admiring them and watching intently as they tried to curl around one of her own.

The other three in the room couldn't help but adore the way she was so obviously meant to be a grandmother. Every little thing about the boy amazed her, and her eyes sparkled with so much joy that it was impossible to ignore.

"He's perfect." Their observations were interrupted by Narcissa's statement. The new parents beamed with pride.

"We thought so too," Draco replied. Naya had never seen a smile that big on his face. She leaned over to look at the boy as well, gently brushing her fingers over his thin black hair. She had always loved babies, and knowing that this little guy was her best friends' baby made him all that much sweeter.

"Look at that little smile," Naya cooed as she looked up at Narcissa. When their gazes met, the former noticed a tear rolling down the latter's cheek. She lifted her hand and brushed it away with the backs of her fingers, planting a kiss in its place. "You okay?"

Narcissa nodded her head rapidly.

"He's just so beautiful." Everyone else agreed, watching on as Narcissa continued to hold the boy. When he began fussing, she didn't hesitate to stand and begin gently swaying him back and forth.

"Do you want me to take him, Mother?" Draco asked. 

"No, I'm alright. You two can go get some rest if you wish; I'm sure Naya and I will be fine with Severus for a while." The older woman continued to rock the boy as the pair took the opportunity and made their way upstairs. Her fiance admired her from the couch."Naya?"

"Yes, angel?"

"Come here please," she whispered. The brunette obliged, standing from her seat on the couch and crossing the room to stand beside Narcissa. Narcissa looked up from the baby once the young woman was stood in front of her.

"Everything alright?" Naya asked worriedly. The corners of the other woman's lips turning up answered that question for her as well as the small nod she gave.

"Can you sing to him? I think it may help calm him," she suggested, looking at Naya with the biggest puppy-dog eyes she had ever seen. The brunette got the feeling that the suggestion wasn't only supposed to be in the best interest of the baby, but also for the older woman herself. Knowing that, she agreed without hesitation.

"Which song?" Narcissa's pleading expression flipped into a grateful smile.

"What about 'You Are My Sunshine'? That's one of my favorites," Narcissa breathed. Naya agreed and began singing.

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamed I held you in my arms

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