Chapter 11

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Tangled in the arms of her angel, Naya was awoken by rapid knocks on her door. When she noticed Narcissa begin to shift, she pressed a kiss to her temple and whispered in her ear.

"I got it, Cissa. Go back to sleep." The older woman hummed in response, and Naya got up from the bed, wrapping her silk robe around her tightly. She opened the door to see a rather excited-looking Draco. "What do you need, Dray?"

"It's Christmas, Naya! Come onnnnnnn. We have presents to open," he whined. Naya shook her head with a laugh.

"Alright, alright. Give us a minute; I just told your mother she could go back to sleep. Go wait downstairs," Naya instructed. He nodded his head vigorously and practically sprinted down the hallway. She rolled her eyes as she closed the door and moved back to the bed. Sitting gently beside Narcissa, she stroked the woman's hair.

"Who was it?" she asked groggily as she turned over to look at the young woman.

"Your son, who is definitely still a child. He said he wants us downstairs so we can open presents," she laughed quietly. Narcissa joined her and sat up. They sat for a moment and looked into each other's eyes.

"I love you, baby," Narcissa whispered as she reached out and caressed her cheek.

"I love you too, angel." They smiled into a gentle kiss. "We should probably head down before Draco flips his shit. Plus, I'm excited for you to open my present." Narcissa rose a brow at this.

"What is it?" she asked. Naya shook her head.

"You know I can't tell you that. It's a surprise." She smirked at Narcissa's pouty expression. "I promise you'll love it."

"Fine," Narcissa whined.

"You sound just like your son," Naya said with a giggle. She leaned forward and pressed a kiss to the older woman's forehead before getting up and going into the closet. They had finally moved all of Naya's stuff into Narcissa's bedroom; they spent practically every night together, so it just made sense. She grabbed one of Narcissa's sweaters and a pair of sweatpants before grabbing one of her own sweaters and a pair of Narcissa's pants to bring out to her. The honey-eyed woman's smile grew when she saw that Naya had picked her clothes for her.

"Thank you, baby," Narcissa said quietly as she took them from the young woman. She quickly slipped out of her nightgown and redressed. She took in a sharp breath when a pair of arms encircled her waist from behind. Naya stood on her toes to bring her lips to Narcissa's ear.

"I love seeing you in my clothes," she cooed as she gently rocked them side to side.

"And I love being in them," Narcissa replied. She turned around in Naya's arms and kissed her deeply. Their lips pulled apart, and they rested their foreheads together, keeping their eyes closed.

"We should go, angel. Your son might blow a gasket if we don't." The older woman nodded in response; they linked arms and started to walk towards the door when Naya paused. "I actually have to do something quickly. You go down, and I'll meet you there." Narcissa looked at her skeptically but agreed nonetheless. When she was sure Narcissa was gone, she ran to her bedside table and pulled the little wooden box out of the drawer. Naya grabbed the necklace from the box and fastened it around her neck before tucking it beneath her sweater. She replaced the box and made her way downstairs, plopping on the couch next to Narcissa.

"Everything alright, my love?" Narcissa asked. Naya simply nodded and turned to the boys.

"Finallyyyy," Draco grumbled. "You took forever."

"Oh shut it, Dray. I'm here now," she replied. "Why don't you two go first?" Draco practically shot up from the couch and ran to the tree, passing presents to everyone before returning to his seat beside Harry. He went first, unwrapping a gift from his husband and throwing his arms around him in thanks. The women watched happily as the men ripped open their presents like little kids, thanking everyone and smiling wildly. Finally, the women each only had one gift left, the ones they had given each other.

"I want you to open yours first," Narcissa said. Naya agreed and unwrapped the paper slowly. Tears immediately sprung to her eyes when she saw it fully unwrapped. She held the small globe between her fingertips and watched as mini versions of herself and Narcissa slow danced beside the piano. She was enchanted by the way the globe had captured every detail of that moment, and her tears escaped from her eyes and trailed down her cheeks. Naya turned to look at the woman beside her.

"Narcissa, I- wow," she whimpered. She couldn't get out anything more as she was overtaken with emotion. Narcissa giggled slightly at seeing Naya's emotion and took the young woman into her arms. Naya set the globe down and immediately wrapped her arms around Narcissa. She finally managed to slow her tears and looked up at her. "Thank you, angel."

"Of course, baby," Narcissa replied, peppering feathery kisses all over her face. Naya pulled away, and her lips turned up into a huge smile.

"Okay, okay. Enough blubbering from me. Open yours," Naya said, handing the small package to her. Narcissa took it gingerly and unwrapped it. Her eyebrows knit as she looked at the velvety blue box. She opened it slowly and gasped quietly when she realized what it was. She looked up at Naya with tears in her eyes now. Narcissa pulled it from the box and dangled it from her fingers in admiration. "Look at the back." Narcissa flipped the small pendant around and read the small print on the back. It read:

𝑀𝓎  𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒𝓁𝒻𝓁𝓊𝓃𝑔  𝒻𝓇𝑜𝓂  𝓈𝓅𝒶𝒸𝑒

"Naya, are you sure?" she asked, looking up at her with wide eyes. Naya nodded and pulled hers from beneath her sweater. The jewel was now a soft purple, an amethyst, the birthstone of February.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She took the necklace from between her girlfriend's fingers and motioned for her to turn around. Narcissa obliged and brushed her hair away from her neck. Naya fastened the small clasp and pressed a gentle kiss to the back of her neck. The older woman turned back to her and watched as the stone became a forest green emerald for May. Tears were rolling down her cheeks now too, and she couldn't help but smile the brightest smile Naya had ever seen.

"Nayana Calliope McAllister, I love you so much," she whispered. Narcissa took Naya's face between her hands, kissing her through the tears. They were pulled from their moment by a small chorus of 'aws'. Both looked up to see Draco and Harry with their bottoms lips out in a pout and their eyes soft.

"Don't forget to invite us to the wedding," Harry teased with a small smirk. Naya rolled her eyes and threw a ball of crumpled paper at the man. Narcissa grabbed her chin lightly and turned her to make their gazes meet.

"Be nice, love," she instructed with a faux strict tone.

"Sorry," Naya murmured, resting her head against Narcissa's shoulder. Narcissa only laughed and kissed the top of her head.

"Well, Merry Christmas everyone," Draco said as he stood from the couch. He then announced he was going to the kitchen for breakfast. Harry followed behind him, leaving the pair on the couch. They turned to look at each other, and Naya was the first to speak.

"Do you really like it?" she asked timidly. Narcissa nodded her head rapidly.

"I love it, baby. It's perfect." Naya drew her bottom lip between her teeth as she smiled. "I'm glad you liked yours too."

"It's amazing, Cissa. I can't imagine anything better," she said softly. They closed the distance between them again, locking lips. Naya slowly crawled onto Narcissa's lap, each of her legs on either side of her. Their kiss became more heated as their tongues danced together in perfect unison. Suddenly their chests began to bloom with an overwhelming sense of happiness and warmth. The joy they both felt in that moment was radiating through them both, their emotions now connected through the necklaces. Naya wrapped her arms around Narcissa and buried her face in her neck, simply resting and bathing in the delight that came with being so wrapped up in her girlfriend. "I love you, angel."

"I love you more, baby."


Heyyyy, I know this one is super super short, but I wanted to give you guys at least something to read. I'm sorry for not being able to write as much as I'd hoped. Also, I know Carol didn't come out until 2015, so it's not a thing in the story, but I couldn't resist the reference with Naya's nickname for Narcissa. Love you all :)

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