Chapter 20

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A/N: This picks up about where the last chapter leaves off :)


The brunette was the first to wake, a content smile lifting her features when she looked down at the woman sleeping on her chest. She began brushing her fingers through her hair like she had before they had fallen asleep, and Narcissa's eyes fluttered open.

"Were you watching me sleep?" she asked, an underlining tone of laughter in her voice.

"Maybe," Naya quipped. "Can you blame me though? You sleep like an angel." The older woman rolled her eyes and buried her face in Naya's chest in an attempt to hide the blush on her cheeks. Naya giggled at her bashfulness and ran her hand up and down the witch's back. They laid this way for some time before Narcissa sat up, straddling Naya's hips and pulling the young woman to sit up so they were face to face.

"I have a question." Narcissa chose not to look her fiance in the eye, instead staring down at her hands and playing with the newest ring added to the collection decorating her fingers. The brunette couldn't help but smile at how cute Narcissa was when she was nervous. She lifted her chin and kissed the tip of her nose.

"What's your question, angel?" she inquired. The older witch nibbled on her bottom lip, a habit of hers that Naya had grown quite fond of.

"What do you think about kids?" Narcissa asked in a hushed tone. She was so quiet that the woman sat beneath her almost missed her question. She wasn't completely sure why the woman would ask, but she answered nonetheless.

"Well, I haven't been around them much, but the ones that I have been around, I've loved being with. I never really thought that I'd have kids of my own, but I definitely wouldn't be against it, especially after spending today with Sev." 

Narcissa nodded and looked down at her hands again.

"Why do ask?" Naya questioned in an attempt to clarify the situation.

"Whatifwehadkidsofourown," Narcissa mumbled. The young woman's eyebrows knit together, and she pursed her lips slightly.

"Angel, I can't understand you when you mumble. Speak up please." The woman sighed, her shoulders slumping, before repeating herself.

"W-what if we had... kids of our own," she trailed as she finally allowed her gaze to meet Naya's. The knot in her stomach eased when she saw the full-out grin on her face. Naya took her fiance's face in her hands and kissed her lovingly.

"There is nothing I'd love more," she murmured, her lips still brushing Narcissa's as she spoke. "I think we should wait until after the wedding tho-"

"YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED?!" Naya was interrupted by a shout from across the room, and a 'shush' followed by a muttered 'sorry'. Both women turned toward the doorway, only to find Draco and Harry standing sheepishly. It was obvious to them both that the blonde had been the one to yell. They giggled seeing the shocked expression on his face and got up from the couch to walk toward the pair.

"We are, in a few months actually. We plan on getting married on the one-year anniversary of our meeting," Naya replied calmly. She looked over to Narcissa who held her hand out to the men, showing off the ring she cherished so dearly. She hadn't taken it off since the moment Naya slid it on her finger, except the moments in which had to, to keep it from getting damaged.

"It's beautiful, Narcissa," Harry complimented, noticing the way his mother's face glowed with pride at hearing him say so. She whispered a shy 'thank you' and snuggled into Naya's side.

"When did you propose? And why didn't you tell us until now?"

The brunette witch chuckled at the blonde's eagerness.

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