Independence Day

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The YEETUS tower is where you'll find the 6 individuals. Yukine, Ethan, Eri, Titan, Uriel and Sam, lazily lounging around waiting for the clock to strike 10 and they can finally go out. They have a curfew to leave and come back between 10AM to 10 PM which isn't that bad really, if it wasn't for the fact that their every move is being watched. One person in particular has been acting sneaky for a while now.

Eri narrows her eyes at Yukine messing around with the cameras in the building turning them on and off, flickering the lights and opening the doors for 5 seconds and closing them right after. "He's about to leave again, think you know where he's going?" Eri asks Sam who's filing her nails, "He can throw himself over a bridge for all I care, it doesn't benefit me in any way shape or form. His actions that is." Sam throws the first thing she could find at Yukine which just so happens to be Maggie's favourite vase, the Android posted in the tower to watch over the six of them. Maggie skates into the room to catch her vase before it touches the ground.

The clock strikes 10 and Yukine runs out of the building taking his bike and shutting down everything within a 5-block radius from him, the city lights, computers, drones, and androids. Anything connected to the people keeping them under lock and key he shut down. "Is he lucky or what? I can't get my stupid chip to work and the one other person who can help me is happily filing her nails ignoring me." Eri glares at Sam not paying any mind to her. Sam looks at Maggie and hacks her commands centre system in her body which affects her personality and actions, shifting her programmed personality to one that suits Sam's liking. "Do be a dear and get rid of the peasant in my sight." Maggie turns to Eri kicking her out of the room before she goes back to dusting the room up while Sam replies to texts on her phone without even lifting a finger.

Sam switches the power back on trying to find Yukine. The way he's been acting is weird, but more than that she is angry with him for being better than her. Sam learned how to control her power first yet he is more powerful than her which irritates her more than anything in the world she should be the one sneaking around, and she'll do the same once she finds out why he sneaks around in the first place.

Yukine walks into the hospital room smiling at his girlfriend, he still hasn't had the courage to tell any one about her and now he has no choice, but he's afraid of what they'll do to his child. Ethan walks in holding the new born baby giving his brother the shock of a life time. "Ethan? What the hell?"

"I swear, there's nothing that irritates me more than secrets amongst family and you keeping this from us is one exception I'll tolerate. There's no way they'll treat him like a human being once they get their hands on him, he'll be a lab rat like us and with Rudolph missing if he somehow becomes like us you'll never see him again."

"I know. Can I hold him." Ethan passes the baby along sitting in the chair next to Akira's bed fluttering his big beautiful eyes at her, "I can't believe you chose my brother over me, that was supposed to be our baby you know." Akira sits up, the make shift hospital is really something else. Yukine and her started an underground illegal surgery using healing bots they kidnap from the hospital next door to help out run aways and anyone with the money to pay. "I'm glad this place has been working out pretty nicely for us. We have enough money to leave." Akira says to Yukine smiling.

Ethan shakes his head. "Not possible sweetheart, we have chips in our bodies that will ding if we go anywhere close to an airport. I'm thinking if you guys agree to help me sneak into the Tower and destroy the building I'll help you guys disappear."

Yukine narrows his eyes at Ethan, he's a trouble maker that will throw even his own siblings under the bus if his plan doesn't go well and he's not in the position to take any risks like he usually does, but this is also a once in a life time opportunity to get away and stop being a lab rat. "Come up with a solid plan I'll join you, but if it doesn't make any sense I won't risk my child's life or hers."

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