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Rin looks at Titan who fell asleep instead of focussing on the task at hand. "What made you think hypnosis works on him?" Rin's rude question makes Uri laugh. Ethan scratches the back of Yukine's head on his behalf. "You two are the weirdest twins I've ever met." Ethan and Yukine glare at Rin who rolls his eyes turning his attention to Sam who is almost falling asleep with boredom.

"Eri, right?" Eri nods standing in front of Rin who tries the hypnosis on her and fails too. "Hypnosis isn't working for whatever you guys have in mind, it worked on her, though whatever you are after is too deep in her mind only a professional can help you." Akira sighs in relief when Saisho wakes up. "You stress over nothing sometimes babe." Akira glares at Yukine who points at Ethan. "He said it, not me." Ethan laughs at the confusion on her face. "I swear it gets harder to tell you guys apart the more I know you." Ethan picks up Saisho who looks around.

"Is she okay? You said it worked." Uri hovers above Eri waving his hand over her face. "Look, I have to go. Sorry, I can't help." Rin ignores Uri's question addressing Sam who nods at Rin sitting by the corner of the room all on her own isolated from everyone. "Walk me out, will you?" Sam stands up ignoring the stares she's getting from her brothers as they leave the lab. "Do you always isolate yourself from your siblings or is this something new?" Sam crosses her arms getting in the elevator leaning on it's inner walls as it goes down pretending like she didn't hear a single word Rin said.

"We're not getting off this elevator until you and I talk." Sam turns her head glaring at Rin who crosses his arms blocking the exit. The door opens and they both just stare at each other until the doors close. "What's going on with you?" She looks to the side, "I can't tell you." Rin narrows his eyes, "Look, I won't say that being stuck together made us friends or whatever, but I noticed you keeping secrets and I think their starting to weigh you down. If you won't talk to your siblings than talk to me."
"I said I can't tell you, now drop it!" Sam raising her voice unnecessarily worries Rin more. "What's going on Sam?" She shakes her head. "I'm sorry Rin, but I can't tell you." He clenches his jaw getting infuriated by the conversation, something is eating her up and she won't talk to him about it. "Why?" Sam looks away, "Because they won't forgive me if they find out what I did." Rin lightly tilts her chin up. "You can tell me Samantha."

"I know where the lab in Portico is, and I destroyed it. They will take Saisho and even Ethan's child because of me." Rin wipes away the stray tear falling from a right eye. "Who?" She shakes her head. Rin sighs giving her a hug, both parties feeling awkward they aren't into hugging. "When did you destroy it?"

"A few years ago, Selene took me there and said my dad left it for me and I destroyed the whole thing." Sam breaks down feeling guilty, she was still upset about the old man's death and didn't know how to take it, everyone was spiralling in their own way. Ethan lost his mind, Yukine buried himself in his work. Uriel and Eri got the lab started to keep their minds busy, Titan went to the military and she destroyed the lab until there was nothing left, not even the foundation was left standing. Rin rubs her back gently comforting her before hitting the button back to the top floor.

Rin takes her to her room tucking her in, "I'll tell the others at the lab. They won't blame you for anything, they can just build another one." He leaves her room jumping when all her brothers are waiting outside the door for him. "Well, I guess this isn't necessary." Eri takes the butter knife back to the kitchen and Ethan laughs at her seriousness. "A butter knife Eri?" Eri nods stabbing the air repeatedly, "I'm a ninja, anything in a ninja's hand is a weapon." Rin feels awkward not sure what to say after seeing the butter knife. Yukine is leaning on a metal bat, he doesn't want to know what the other two have on them.

"It's not what it looks like."

"It looks like you just took her to her room so she sleeps, if that's not what it looks like, I think we have a problem." Uriel aims the laser gun at him and he takes a step back gulping. Ethan flicks his pocket knife in and out three times before he speaks, "We have a very serious problem."

"It is exactly what it looks like." Rin exclaims not trusting that they won't hurt him. Akira rolls her eyes walking past the three brothers. "Titan is still out like a light, clean up the lab it's making Scarlet sick." Ethan races to the lab to find it empty racing to his room to find her fast asleep. "Damn Kira." He sighs checking the date and time, it's a weekend meaning her son is with his dad, and with the way things between him and Scarlet are operating he can only imagine how stressed out she was after spending 5 minutes with him in the room. Ethan falls asleep next to her waking up when Talent calls accepting his offer to partner together and work on the exo suit. "Can we talk Monday? My girlfriend isn't doing so good." Talent doesn't mind hanging up standing in the Viz city streets. "Are you lost kid?"

"No, I just wanted to see the place myself heard about it from everyone." Cyclops walks past him, "Hey, has Rin returned from Droid city? He's the one who was supposed to return with the new material. We're expanding the city hall and he's the one who was in charge of the material." Talent looks at the male he was talking to shrugging his shoulders at Cyclops. "Heard his girlfriend called him to the tower."
"Girlfriend?" Cyclops is more confused by him putting girlfriend and tower in one sentence. "Samantha and Rin? Ewe." Cyclops just walks away he doesn't even want to think about it. He knows Rin and Sam isn't the type of girl he's into. Talent looks around he's never been in a city where he can just walk around so freely and actually feel safe. "I guess I may have misjudged the guy." He mutters to himself walking into a café to grab something to eat before heading back.

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