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Yukine clears his throat, "We met 4 years ago when she first moved to Droid city." Akira blushes in embarrassment. She had moved to the city for college and on her first day she got lost. The place was first of all much larger in person, over populated, and everyone in the city is either machine or cyborg. She was like an anomaly coming into Droid city to study to be a doctor without any experience working with an Android or having actually seen one in person.

Droid city is a large and closed off city almost like a country in the middle of another country. It's built like a stadium on the outside with Sky scraper next to sky scraper. The largest buildings being the Tower, owned by the mysterious Aaron Ikari who never shows his face and sends out Androids to do his heavy lifting while he does lord knows what in there. The second being the YEETUS building and then the hospital. Yukine was with Ethan who insisted on taking him out for his first drink on his 21st birthday. "Loosen up dude, you might actually pick up a girl for once."

Yukine sighs crossing his arms. He's nothing like his twin brother personality wise. The only thing they have in common is the purple eyes and silver grey hair, a trait they have in common with Sam. It's no mystery their related they just wish Rudolph got around to telling them the truth about their biological parents and what their connection to him was. If they were chosen at random or what? Titan is the only one with a direct resemblance to Rudolph, but he's the same age as Yukine and Ethan and they can't prove if they are triplets or not.

Akira bumped into Ethan apologising profusely dropping her map to the campus. Yukine picked it up surprised there's a person using a paper map in this day and age, "Huh, you're not from around here are you?" Akira was caught off guard by them saying that at the same time. She stuck out like a sore thumb. "I guess I'll have to suck it up and ask for help." She turned to the twins and asked for directions to the campus and Yukine offered to take her there so he could get away from his brother.

Sam and Eri go for seconds while Akira insists her mother hold the baby, "Alright! I'll hold the baby." Yukine bites his bottom lip anxiously. He doesn't like that an old lady who can barely support her own weight is holding his baby. She might get an arthritic attack or something and drop him. "Looks like his father. He'll be a handsome devil I tell you." Eri looks between the baby than back at Yukine. "I hope he looks like his mom."

A knock on the door surprises everyone. Akira turns to her mother, "You expecting anyone?"


Yukine stands up opening the door confusing the male who came knocking, "Uhm, hi." The male let's himself in surprised to see Akira is here, and the two sisters next to each other asking Akira's mother a lot of intrusive questions about Akira. "We detected a Nanite signal from your place. You know we don't want bots in this city." The Nanite detector goes off again and Yukine is confused. Tech like this is not allowed in Droid city it's considered illegal. "One, Two, Three, and four." The male looks around  and turns to the closest Nanite signal, and just so happens to be Yukine.

Akira covers the baby up holding him closer to her chest, "City boy. What do you have on you?" The male asks Yukine who has a blank expression on his face. If it was Ethan here instead of him the male in front of him would be dead. Akira turns to her mother, "Mom, who is that?"

"A local gang member. They hi jack anything with a Nanite signal and sell it on the market or make use of the Nanites for something else. They call him Cyclops, he's notorious for eye picking, and I mean that literally."

Eri scoots closer to Sam. They are practically walking nanite bags. Yukine turns off the Nanite detector with a single glance to the device and takes a step back. "What do you want? Are you so cruel to harass an old lady." Cyclops turns to the old woman and looks Akira up and down she's familiar, but he's not sure where he's seen her before.

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