Chapter One

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"Marco stop it, you don't have to do this," I say walking out of the house

"Y/N I can't just let you go by yourself, what kind of friend would that make me?" he replies, almost tripping on the slightly curved piece of wood at the bottom of the door. Even Though it's his house, he never got used to it.

"Look Marco you know I love you but if you join just because of me then I'll never forgive myself if something happened. I know this isn't what you want and I don't know if you could handle it" I've been trying to reason with him for weeks.

"Ok then... I'll join for me. I want to be in the military police, that's why I'm joining," he said, wearing a small smile when I turned around. God, he was so persistent

"Whatever Marco, it's not like I can stop you or something, it's your decision, not mine," I said, turning back around walking towards the shops. I know this isn't what he wants but it's his decision, not mine and I have to be ok with that.

"So when does training start?" he asked, catching up now walking beside me. He only stood at 5'8 which was only 2 inches taller than me.

"I think next Tuesday, did your mom want chicken or pork?" I asked looking at the meat stand

"Chicken, I didn't realize it was that soon '' he said, slightly fidgeting as I paid for the meat and continued my journey for ingredients.

"Marco, all I'm asking is that you don't force yourself to do something you don't want to do." Getting the rest of the ingredients was quick. The walk back was slightly awkward.

"Thank you Y/N, uh-Marco are you ok?" Mrs.Bodt asked looking at Marco's worried face

"I'm fine. I just wanted to tell you that I have decided I want to join the military police. I will be attending training with Y/N" he said, voice getting softer and less confident as he got to the end. Looking away from his mother gaze to your back as you started to chop vegetables up

"I tried to talk some sense into him Mrs.Bodt but he won't let up" I explained turning around

" safe take care of each other," She said with a soft smile as she joined me to prepare dinner

"Of course mom"

"Will do Mrs.Bodt"

We both said at the same time

"You'd better tell your father Marco, he's outback," she said, once she heard the back door close she stopped and looked Y/N in eyes, a pleading look in them

"Y/N please we both know Marco isn't cut out for this please watch out for him. Please" she said grabbing y/n hands.

"I always have," I said, giving her a sincere smile. I was older than Marco by a year and I have always looked out for him. We've been friends since I was 4. That's when I moved into the house next door to his. He's like my brother and there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep him safe.

"I'll keep him safe Mrs.Bodt I promise"




"That's not Marco, Jean, it can't be '' I tear my eyes off the dead body, half-eaten, to look at Jean who has tears threatening to spill. He couldn't even look me in the eye, which was the only answer I needed

"NO! That's not Marco, we just haven't found him yet. He's probably looking for us right now" I yell running around frantically




"Hey" I whisper/yell at the girl standing next to me, she turns her head

"Is that a potato?" I asked looking at the round object she holds in the hand behind her back

"Yeah, it's still warm" she whispers back, a giddy tone in her voice

"Can I have a bite?" I ask. Were almost the same height im slightly taller? She looked around making sure no one could catch the interaction.

"Catch," she says, tossing me the potato that already had a bite out of it, I took a bite and tossed it back, she took a bite and tossed it to me. This went on until commander Sadies saw her with the half-eaten potato

"What is that?" he asked, staring at the girl whose name I learned is Sasha, looked past him to see Marco staring at me with wide eyes.

"Sir it was my fault, I took it a shared it with her," I told him

"But you can have half" Sasha offered to break the potato in "half" and handing him the smaller piece




"Well at least we're running together right," I said jogging alongside Sasha

"" she cried. We've been running for hours and the sun is starting to set. "Run till you drop", he said, what a pick. A while into the dark Sasha gave up and went to the bunks. I saw Marco watching from the small porch of his bunks. He had fallen asleep but when he woke up at dawn, he saw running.

"Y/N WHY ARE YOU STILL RUNNING?!" he yelled successfully waking up the rest of his bunkmates who came outside to see the same sight

"HE SAID RUN TILL YOU DROP.....I HAVEN'T DROPPED YET!" I yelled back out of breath. Commander Sadies went to see what the commotion was about and saw you still running. He was shocked and also impressed.

"You can stop now," he said watching as you fall to your knees gasping for air

"Seeing as you ran all night I'm not sure if you can participate in today's training, but that's not my problem," he said, handing over some water. After chugging it down you jumped up and assured him you'd be capable. He wasn't convinced, but as the day went on he saw you weren't lying. Dinner time came and you walked with Sasha to the mess hall

"How do you run all night?" she asked pushing the doors open

"I didn't," I said as Sasha looked shocked

"Between you and me, I fell asleep for a few hours during the night and then went back to running before anyone woke up. I just wanted to give him a shock" I explained as we picked our tray of food up

"Just don't tell anyone," I said as we sat down at a table with Marco and two other guys who I didn't know

"Oh this is Connie," Sasha said pointing to a short boy with a shaved head and big hazel eyes

"And this is Jean" she gestured to a boy who was probably my height with a long face and two-toned hair. Marco sat in between the two.

"Jean, Connie this is Y/N'' Sasha said. You all started to talk and get to know each other but the peace was ruined when Jean got into a heated argument with Eren that I wasn't paying attention to.




"Y/N. please calm down." Sasha desperately tried to calm her friend

"Breath Y/N, you need to breathe," Connie said

"No no. it doesn't make sense, he doesn't even have his gear on. WHERE IS HIS GEAR!?"




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