Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Florrie's POV

Settling back into Hogwarts wasn't hard. Due to all the time we spent here it wasn't surprising this place had come to be my home. Despite all the had happened, I tried not to change.

Since the toad had arrived I'd felt myself growing more and more rebellious just to annoy the hag. I found myself worrying less about petty problems like my hair. The thing that really mattered was bringing Voldemort down and there was no way Harry was going alone. I would like to give that grotesque snake a piece of my mind.

I looked towards the clock tower and saw the time. I had missed breakfast like I had most days and stayed out most the night by the lake, next to Cedric's flower.

Part of me wanted to forgot school and just lay under the tree where I could forget my worries and be at piece. I lay on the ground with my hands in the air, controlling some petals to float around peacefully.

The clock rang at the hour and I sighed, getting up and heading back to the tower. I had my bag with me already as I came prepared and walked into the DADA class room a little late.

"Ah Miss Black how nice of you to join us" The toad sneered looking up from a childish text book.

"Please miss the pleasures all mine" I stated sarcastically and sat down in the spare seat next to Harry.

"Where have you been all morning?" Harry asked worriedly and I rolled my eyes.

"Chill Harry I just went down to the lake for a bit" I shrugged my shoulders. It wasn't hard to get past Flitch with my powers and all.

"Um excuse me Miss but there's nothing in here about using defensive spells" Hermione pointed out and Umbridge glanced at her.

"Well why would you need to know them dear?" She asked calmly.

"Pft I don't maybe because some people use dark magic, or wait no maybe because some people might want to kill us or maybe it's because Voldemort is back!" I shouted at her. I knew she was a teacher and all but I really didn't care. The very sight of her disgusted me and to be frank I hated her.

"You have been told that a certain dark wizard has returned but this. is. a. lie" She ordered, trying to drill it into people's brains.

"It's not a lie I saw him, I fought him!" harry retorted back at her. I wanted to high five him right now.

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