Chapter |10|

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Your point of view:

It's been almost two weeks of an unproblematic relationship with Lauren, if I'm being completely honest? I'm kinda shocked we've lasted this long considering she used to give me shit just for existing, but for the first time in what feels like years, I'm finally happy. The only thing that is starting to bother me is the fact that Lauren still hasn't told her friends about us. She let me tell Lydia though.

"Dude," Lydia's voice became more clear to me as I sat across from her at the lunch table we usually sat at, the blonde had recently dyed her hair a dark red color. "Did you even hear a single word I've said?"

"Yes of course I did—" I scoffed rolling my eyes before my eyes drifted towards where they were previously, on Lauren waiting in line to get her food with Camila. "—Is it just me or has Camila been all over Lauren lately?"

"Can you stay on topic for once in your life?" She joked giggling a little bit but stopped when her eyes landed on the interaction between the two girls I was talking about, Camila's hand grabbed Lauren's as she bursted out laughing, my girlfriend smiling before saying something inaudible.

"Okay, maybe it's okay for you to not pay attention to what I was saying. Just this once though," I was about to put the piece of pineapple that's on my fork in my mouth until I saw the short brunette lean her head on Lauren's shoulder, I forcefully dropped my fork, Lauren saw that when she looked our way. I guess she forgot about me for a minute. "This is exactly why you guys should go public and tell the girls that you're together."

Yeah no kidding, this wouldn't be happening if she would tell the girls that we are a thing. It kind of bothers me that people can act any kind of way towards Lauren.

"I didn't think it would have been a problem, but clearly it's going to be one." What I said earned a sympathetic look from Lydia and I rolled my eyes. What was so funny anyway?

"Maybe it's not what you think, maybe they were just playing around, well Camila."

I nodded my head, "Yeah, maybe we just keep this between us for a little bit. I shouldn't say anything in case it is nothing."

"Girls," Dinah's voice sang and the way Lydia lit up with excitement was something that made me feel really happy, "What's up?" She sat down right next to Lydia, instantly leaning into her.

I'm glad that they actually get along and like each other. The two begin to talk while I get sent back into my thoughts again. What's the coincidence that one of my friends liked Dinah and is basically dating her now? and then the fact that I'm dating my long time bully? Something doesn't seem right about this. Maybe like this whole thing is some sort of set up somehow?

My thoughts were interrupted by a hand being placed on my back and a tray of food being set down on the table right next to me, "Hey!" The raspy voice greeted me, making me smile, I wanted to lean up and kiss her but I knew I couldn't.

"Hey, are we doing anything after school?" I quizzed turning my head to the left to look at the raven haired girl. Lauren hummed before looking over at the one and only Camila, "I was actually going to go to a party." A party?

"Actually, we both are going!" Camila chimed in, smiling ear to ear. This only made me feel left out, I gave my best smile and told them that was exciting but Lauren noticed that I wasn't super ecstatic about it.

"What's wrong?" She whispered nudging me with her elbow and I just shrugged, "Nothing." 

I know that saying something would probably start something but not talking about it will probably seem like I am not trying to communicate with her. "Don't do that, talk to me?"

"Fine, come here." I stood up, Lauren following the movement before I walked out into the hallway to talk to Lauren so that none of the other girls could hear us talking. "Is anything going on with you and Camila? I just, I was watching you guys in line and I saw the way she was leaning into you and all of that."

Laughter came from her but when I didn't laugh she stopped, "You weren't joking?"

I shook my head, "No."

"Y/n," She reached out for my waist but quickly retracted from doing so. "You don't have to worry about that, because I only have eyes for you."

"I'm starting to change my mind about keeping us under wraps, I can't hold your hand, you can't hold me, we can't be us because we haven't told anyone. I don't like this, I'm pretty sure that Camila has a crush on you anyway."

"I just don't want to tell anyone because I don't know how they will react, none of them know that I even like girls I can't just randomly spit out, 'Hey guys, I just thought you should know that I like girls and Y/n and I are dating.' I really don't know how that will go." 

I looked at Lauren with disbelief and scoffed, "Then I can't do this, Lauren, I really can't. I don't like the idea of everyone else thinking you're single when you're actually not. And I'm not about to force you to come out to your friends and everyone if you're not ready. I just don't know if I can handle being some sort of secret."

"So what are you saying?" The look of surprise and sadness showed on her face and I almost instantly wanted to take back the words that I was saying. "Are you saying that we're pretty much over before we even began dating?"

"Yeah, I think I am.."

Lauren scoffed while crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Alright, Y/n, alright." I opened my mouth to speak but she walked back to the lunchroom, not giving me a even a glance. 

That went as well as I expected it to go..

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2021 ⏰

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