Chapter |1|

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Your point of view:

It's my first day as a junior and unfortunately I'm losing my patience already, my best friend is taking forever to get her ass in my car.

I'm Y/f/n, I'm a junior which makes me 16 and a half years old. I currently live in Nevada and have since I was at least 10 years old.

"Hey, hey hoe." I was greeted by my best friend Dustin as he got into the passenger seat of my car, throwing his bag back into the backseat.

The blonde with dark brown eyes looked at me, I was giving him a dirty glare. "What?" I only shook my head I'm disappointed at how long he took to get out here.

I waited for almost twenty minutes for him to get ready and get in my car, how long does it take to get shoes on? Because last time I checked it only took me less than five seconds.

"So, I was thinking.." he began as he put his seatbelt on, once that was on I put the car in reverse then drive and headed in the direction of the school.


"Maybe so you don't get made fun of much this year, maybe you should try wearing different clothes instead of.." he hesitated, "That." I was pointed at.

"What's wrong with the way I dress?" My voice came off higher pitched toward the end.

"Well, hoodies, sweats or joggers as you call them, shorts and guy t-shirts just aren't getting you anywhere except into the direction of getting picked on."

I was offended at this, "I happen to like the way I dress-"

"-But it literally just gives the girls reasons to pick on you like they have since 9th grade, dude. At least tell me you'll think about a change in outfits? Something more fashionable."

Scoffing I spoke matter of factly, "I don't see why they'd pick on me for the way I dress, I don't even think that's the reason they do. What's wrong with being comfortable? If it'll end this conversation then fine, I'll think about it." Sighing I pulled into the almost full school parking lot, parking in a free space.

Dustin nodded his head before taking his seatbelt off and getting out of the car, I did the same then locked the door.

"Do you know what classes you have?" We were walking in the direction of the main building, there were a bunch of students just talking throughout the parking lot with friends they probably haven't seen for a few weeks maybe more.

The thing I hate about High school is that you could say 'We should hang out!' To your friends and then the entire summer not hang out with any of them, I don't know I mean it seems kind of fake to me.

"I was going to go to the office and grab my schedule actually, I forgot to check before and there's never any good service on campus." I explained, Dustin opening the front door for me. Thanking him I walked in, we agreed to meet in the lunch room so I headed to the office and he headed to the cafeteria.

"Okay, Miss Jauregui. What do you need?" Mrs.Arsenault the attendance lady asked after she hung up with someone on the phone, now giving the 5'4 brunette all of her attention.

"I need my schedule."

"Oh! We didn't print those out this year, if you have skyward on your phone you should see the schedules. The internet password is in every classroom posted on the door."

"Ah, I see, well thank you Mrs.Arsenault. Have a good day," the girl said smiling, once she turned around her dark emerald eyes met my y/e/c eyes and instantly her smile fell which made my heart sink into my chest.

The girl is a complete asshole, she's picked on me since freshman year for no reason. She made me a literal laughing stock of the school, only last year things almost started to go back to normal until she had spread some stupid rumor that I fucked some guy on the roof of a building. Her name is Lauren, Lauren Jauregui. She has really pretty friends, Ally, Dinah, Normani, Camila. Ally is the nicest one.

"Hm, where you goin' Y/f/n?" Lauren questioned in the same annoying tone she always spoke to me in, as if she were better than me, I was walking out of the office doors and she followed me.

Lauren clicked her tongue at the rough of her mouth after she jogged you to me and stood in front of me, making me look down at the ground. I've never really been good at standing up for myself. "Still wearing the same old baggy clothes, do you think you're a guy? Is that why you dress the way you do?" I quickly glanced up at her but looked back down, there was a hint of amusement on Lauren's face.

Avoiding staying there any longer, I pushed past her, walking right to the cafeteria to find Dustin.

"Sup! Did you get your schedule—" Dustin noticed the anxiety building, I never was good at hiding how I felt. "What's wrong?" He slid a cup of coffee toward me.

"I-It's online. I saw Jauregui in the office and we barely conversed."

"What'd she say? Come on, let's walk." He held out his hand to help me, I took it before we headed out of the cafeteria and down the hallway.

I laughed a little, trying to make light of the situation. "She just dragged me about the clothes I wear."

"I don't know, maybe she was kind of right? You dress like a bum in a way." Dustin said as a matter of fact and that just made me over the too upset, there's nothing wrong with the way I dress and he should be with me not with my bullies. He saw me take offense to that and started trying to save himself.

People began to whisper, everyone's eyes were on a group of girls at the end of the hallway. Taking a deep breath in I rolled my eyes, it's just Lauren and her group, they're not that great if you ask me.. only Dinah is, she's the nicest. Along with Ally.

"Loser." Lauren said as she walked by, her shoulder bumping into mine making me drop my coffee because I wasn't holding it tight.

"Seriously?" The way my voice raised captured Lauren's attention, I think she liked it.

"Oops?" Laughing while continuing her way down the hallway and Dinah, the blonde Polynesian opens her mouth to say something but is pulled by Normani.

"I'm sorry." I sighed as a hand is placed on my shoulder and squeezed.

"Don't touch me," I said through gritted teeth before walking in the same direction as the asshole who made me spill my god damn coffee, I felt Dustins eyes on me as I walked away from him.

About four minutes went by of heading in the direction of my first period I finally reached the classroom, opening the door I heard chatter and saw the familiar brunette with grey streaks in it standing by his desk, "Hi Mr.Herald."

"Y/n! It's so nice to see you again in my class! Feel free to sit where ever you'd like just for the time being." Mr.Herald said giving me a welcoming smile, turning around I looked for a place to sit and made eye contact with the green eyes I wish weren't in this classroom. Lauren.

Please tell me she isn't in my class, god I don't want her around me, I don't even want to share the same air as her... Okay maybe I'm being a little dramatic.. but she's rude.

Lauren looked at me not giving me the same death glare she always does, her eyes were soft, gentle as she looked over my face before turning her attention back to the smaller girl named Ally, who was probably talking about some cute outfit she had seen online. That's just the type of girl Ally is.

I decided to sit in the far left side of the classroom, in the middle near the back but not fully there. I'm just hoping that Lauren will keep her distance from me and I'll be fine.

This is going to be a long year, god damnit I was really hoping for an easy one.

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