Chapter |6|

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Your point of view:

It's been a two weeks since the first day of school, it's currently Friday. School was exhausting today, like more exhausting than it usually is. I tried to stay focused but I really just couldn't because I haven't been sleeping, I keep having nightmares.

School ended about two hours ago and I'm currently at home watching TikTok on the couch, TikTok has some funny ass videos that could really make my mood better. I've been grumpy all day today, my dad had the weekend off and instead of thinking about spending time with me, his daughter, he decided to take a weekend trip to Louisiana. What the hell is even in Louisiana anyway?

There was a knock at the door, setting my phone down I got off of the couch and opened the front door, only to reveal the very familiar Lauren who's hair was up in a high ponytail right now. "Hey!" Her voice squeaked at how high the hey was which was oddly cute? I don't know.

I've been spending more time with Lauren, we usually hang out after school around the time it is right now, 4:30. We always say that we are going to work on school work but end up talking, I always bring up things that Lauren likes because of the way she gets excited and passionate.

"Hey? I thought we weren't doing the whole studying thing because it's Friday?" My voice was raspier than usual, imagine getting sick during one of the hottest days of the year.

"You're right," she held the t before I let her step inside, which she gladly did before continuing, "The girls wanted you to come over and hang out tonight for girls night. Lydia is going to be there, Dinah too."

"By girls, do you mean your posse?" I really wasn't a fan of her group of friends, Normani, Camila, those girls had it out for me, they still do even though Lauren and I are somewhat good now. She also has this friend Ally who is a sweetheart but I don't see much of her, Lauren said that's she's been busy a lot this week trying to take care of her grandma while trying to get to class on time.

Laughter fills my ears which made me give Lauren a look of confusion as I leaned against the door, my arms crossed in front of my stomach/lower chest, "Why do you keep calling it 'Posse?' Yes the girls that are in the friend group with me. Why? Don't wanna hang out with them?"

I had to think of a way to not go to this girls night thing, "Because it is a posse, it really is. I can't go, I'm busy tonight. I'm sorry."

Lauren in her white converse took a few steps closer to me, her eyes staring right through my soul, as she placed her hands on the door making her arms be on both sides of my head. I gulped at how close Lauren was getting to me, there was a warm heat that was building throughout my body that I am unsure of what it is, maybe it's nerves. "Busy? With what?"

"J..Just thought I'd stay in for the night and study-"

"Is that what you call fun? Come on, come hang out with us it'll be at Ally's I know you like her," Lauren gave me a look that was basically her begging me through those piercing green eyes that she knows I love for some reason. I blinked as my eyes adjusted from looking into her eyes as I tilted my head slightly to the left, my mouth opening and closing as I tried to think of some excuse but Lauren had to say this, "I really want you to be there, you can stay by me the whole time."

A loud deep groan was emitted before I spoke up, "Fine." Lauren stepped back and fist bumped in the air while quickly saying 'Yeah!' I guess this was some sort of victory for her.

"But!" I began which made the older girl stop her little celebration to look at me, her perfectly plucked eyebrows furrowed in towards her nose, "If your friends are rude to me I'm going to leave, I swear to god."

"Would you quit it? It's going to be fun, no one is being rude to anyone as long as I have a say in it. I just wanted to hang out with you and my girls for once all together." I loved how excited she was about this, I didn't expect any of this to happen today, I thought that I'd be able to stay in and watch some Netflix and then go to bed. That plan? Long gone.

*** *** ***

I felt so out of place hanging out at Ally's house, everyone was talking about their memories together, even Dinah and Lydia had some because they actually used to be friends before. I was sitting next to Lauren on the couch and she would nudge me to get my attention and when I'd look at her she'd give me a look that told me that everything's okay.

Even though everything's okay it didn't feel like it, I felt left out, everyone has memories together and I don't because I was the one who was bullied by almost everyone here but Ally and Lydia. I need a breather. I sighed and Lauren instantly turned her gaze onto me as I stood up, "Hey, what's wrong?" She grabbed my hand for the first time, I've never let her touch me, she has the softest hands.

"Just gonna use the bathroom, Um, Ally?" The chatter around her continued as I asked if I could use her restroom which she told me of course before telling me where it was, I thanked her before heading there. Once I was inside I turned the light on then looked at myself in the mirror.

I was so out of my element, I didn't belong here, what am I even doing here? Am I just here because Lauren said she wanted me to be? I sighed, "What are you doing here?"

There was a knock on the door before Lauren came inside, locking the door behind her. "You know, you're supposed to knock then ask if you could come in before doing what you just did right?" I turned to the left to face Lauren who had an unimpressed look on her face.

"Yes, I do know that. Clearly I just didn't care," she stepped closer to me, "What's wrong? I know there's something."

"I don't know why I'm here, Lauren. If I would've known that you all were going to just be talking about memories I wouldn't have came, I feel so left out." I watched as Lauren realized how it must feel for me, she moved closer to me, running her thumb over my cheek.

The way she did that made my heart race, what is she doing to me? It isn't right to feel this way. "I'm sorry, I should've told Camila not to talk about memories. I should've known it would've upset you."

"I should just go home, Lauren." I moved towards the door but she stopped me, "Please don't go." She stepped in front of the door, our bodies touching and our faces only inches apart.

"I want you here." her voice was now softer as her eyes glanced down at my lips, you could feel the tension, I was about to step back away from her when she placed a hand on my cheek and one on my hip as she gently placed a kiss on my lips. I don't know what I'm thinking yet I kiss her back, I could practically taste the doctor pepper on her lips.

I was pushed against the wall, I didn't know what to do with my hands. As Lauren's warm lips broke away from mine she started leaving small kisses on my neck, a mix of a sigh and a moan left my mouth. Lauren was about to place another until I realized what we were doing and I pushed her back, my eyes wide with shock. "W-What are we doing? We can't, I can't." I stuttered, I was flustered and confused.

"I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Lauren repeated over and over again under her breath, my hands made their way to my face and Lauren was standing there worried while her hands were in her hair, like they always were when she was stressed. What the fuck just happened?

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