Chapter 8

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"I think I like you, but like more than a in romantically" The mercenary said.

Eli was frozen, he had imagined this happening so many times, it felt unreal. He knew what he wanted to say but he never expected to actually say it to the other man in this context he knew what he had to say and so he spoke up.

"I'm sorry... I think I like someone else" The seer said self-consciously. He didn't realise what he said until a heavy silence filled the atmosphere. Eli then realised what he said, "I'm sorry, give me a moment" and he practically ran to the bathroom.

The seer entered the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Why? Why did he say that? He just rejected the person he had feelings for...and for what? By now he didn't even notice the tears slowly building up in his eyes, he hardly had the guts to just confess like that and Naib just straight up did it, only for Eli to bluntly reject him. He didn't mean it. It just came out and he didn't realise, but thinking about it...maybe he did like somebody, somebody that wasn't Naib.

He knew who the person was, he just chose to ignore it and forget it previously. It was one of his best friends, one he seeked for comfort and one he couldn't live without. Aesop Carl, he was in love with Aesop.


Aesop was now outside with Mike, Norton, Luca, Tracy, Martha, Emily and Kevin and they were messing around in the snow, right now they were having a snowball fight. While Edgar was outside, Aesop couldn't see him since he was somewhere else to the side painting. Victor, Demi, Margie, Melly and Helena were having tea indoors but had the window wide open and sometimes talked to the people outside.

At one point Mike accidentally threw a snowball at Tracy, but when he missed it went through the window and hit Helena. Emily was furious and started yeling at Mike and went inside to help clean the mess. Instead, Melly and Demi went to 'avenge' Helena so the snowball fight got even more intense.

Unlike the map Leo's Memory, the snow was soft and less slippy but more soggy. Emma dumped the snow from the pathway she cleared to the side so even whilst the snow was falling there were humongous piles of it to the sides, she had Andrew help her with that.

After a while the snowball fight was over, in the end Norton won next to Tracy. Luca went away somewhere to see Edgar as he usually did. It wasn't snowing so heavily anymore and a few more people left the house to go and enjoy the snow, Aesop saw Jose, Kurt, Servais, Fiona and Eli leave the house. Victor, Margie, Helena, Vera and Patricia were still inside sipping on some tea and Emily insisted on shutting at least one window so nothing would happen again.

While everyone was resting and sitting around in the snow Eli made his way over to Aesop and sat with him, "It's nice to have some proper snow at the manor for once, and not just at Leo's Memory" Eli said with a smile. Instead of his usual navy robes he changed into some more normal clothes that would also keep him warm in the weather whilst he was outside. Aesop also had different clothes rather than his formal attire, he had on a dark jumper and scarf as well.

"Yeah, much nicer especially since its so soft as well" The embalmer said as he picked up some snow in his hand.

"What happened between Emily and Mike earlier? Y'know when Mike threw that snowball which hit Helena and Emily yelled at him" Eli mentioned.

Aesop laughed a bit at the thought, "I'm pretty sure Emily went in to help clean up and then Melly and Demi got Mike back for that" It was nice to have at least a bit of fun out of matches sometimes.

"Anyways, can I ask you something later..when we go back in maybe" The seer suggested while glancing at the sun which was already setting, making the sky a lovely mix of orange, red and pink.

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