Chapter 14

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In his room, Aesop sat on his bed. He didn't particularly enjoy over-night matches, he'd much rather be in bed relaxing with his lover.

He was tired as hell. The over-night matches were exhausting. And it was still freezing outside, with the snowy weather and all.

After changing into his night-wear, Aesop lied down in bed. His thoughts were racing. Whether it be about Eli, or wondering how his team got on in the match.

He smiled with the thought of Eli. His window was slightly open, as they always had it. Eventually he fell asleep.


Aesop awoke to a knocking at his door, he looked over at his clock and the time was 7:30 AM.

"Morning Aesop!"

Vera stood on the other side of the door.

"I'm assuming you need something," Aesop laughed.

"Wellll..." Vera looked away.

"So what is it?" Aesop thought of anything Vera could possibly need.

"I have something on Wednesday night, and I wanted you to do my make-up" Vera explained.

"I mean I don't have anything then so sure,"

"Thank you!" Vera thanked Aesop before returning to her own room.

Changing into some proper clothes, Aesop brushed his hair back and tied it up as usual.

He didn't wear the usual clothes he wore, those were stained with blood so they had to be cleaned.

Aesop wore a loose jumper that he had, he didn't particularly remember where he got it from.

His mask was also on, it wasn't like he ever took it off. Only Emily and Eli saw him without it, they were people who wouldn't judge him after all.

Downstairs, everyone was at the dining table. He saw people like Mike and Norton. He wondered how they weren't insecure.

They were probably loved by the people who raisied them anyways.

Making his way to the kitchen silently, Aesop snuck out of the backdoor in the kitchen. Nobody saw him leave, that was nice.

The snow outside was still there but Aesop didn't care. He knew where the place was.

The trees were bare and snowy, the snow in this part of the woods was untouched. It wasn't dangerous, people just never went there.

The walk took around 20 minutes, and when Aesop arrived he always used to stay for at least an hour or two. He always brought a book.

This time he didn't. He only came to check out the place to see if it was still like he remembered. After all he planned on taking Eli here tommorrow.

There was a tree he often sat under, he hadn't an idea what type. But he sat under it and read for hours. Nobody took notice.

He never missed matches and always had plans for the day.
He hardly ate, but that was on his own accord. When Emily found out she scolded him a bit before figuring something out with him.

He still ate some meals in his room, it depended on how many people were in the room. It wasn't that the manor residents were rude or unkind, it was just what he unwillingly expected.

When Eli found out the news about his fiancee, Aesop was there to comfort him. He was there for him when he woke up from nightmares, he was there to convince him to eat, he was there for him most of the time.

So when he realised he had feelings for the seer, Aesop distanced himself a bit. He didn't want to ruin the relationship and bond they already had.

While he wouldn't call his new 'lifestyle' ideal, he preferred it. He met Eli, escaped him, got healthier, and some more stuff he didn't bother naming.

Aesop didn't know how long he spent in the woods. Then he saw a familiar person running towards him.

"Hi Luca-"

"Where the fuck have you been for the last 4 hours?"

"It's been 4 hours?"

"You just left the house without telling anyone,"

"I'm sorry, I-"

"Just come back inside, Emily wants you to eat something,"

Aesop followed behind the prisoner in dead silence. It didn't feel like 4 hours had passed.

Luca knew where Aesop would be, he showed him the place in the first place since he didn't go there anymore. When Emily said Aesop wasn't in his room, some people started looking for him.

Vera said she spoke to him in the morning after all.

1 hour passed.

2 hours passed.

3 hours passed.

Everybody was worried sick. Luca and a few others went to search the woods surrounding the manor, since Emily said he used to go there a long while ago.

Luca knew where to go almost instantly when the woods were mentioned. He'd rather go check himself before raising attention.

And he was right. Aesop was sitting under one of the trees, just resting with his head down.

Emily was especially worried, he didn't ask her why though. And Eli when told also seemed pretty stressed.

Aesop felt guilty for making everyone worry. He could have at least told Eli he was going to leave the house, or even Vera.

When he and Luca entered the manor, Emily was first to greet him.

"Where were you?!" She said with a hostile but worried tone.

"I'm sorry..I just went out to the woods" Aesop admitted. It wasn't like he did anything wrong so he hadn't a reason to lie.

"Well tell us next time, and go eat something" Emily said as she went back to the kitchen.

"You should go reassure Eli" Luca said as he left upstairs, "He's been worried sick all morning"

Aesop didn't expect to create so much commotion, but listening to Luca's advice he went upstairs to Eli's room.

He knocked on the door.

"What do you want Emily!?"

He knocked again.

Aesop heard the seer get up and walk towards the door. Out of hesitation, Aesop stood back a bit as Eli opened the door.

"Emily, what do you-"

Eli looked Aesop in the eyes.

"Where were you?!" Eli practically screamed at Aesop.

"I was so worried, everyone was.." Eli continued as he turned away from Aesop.

"I'm sorry," Aesop apologised.

"It's okay, just come in" Eli said as he stood aside for Aesop to come in.

When Aesop entered the room and closed the door, Eli hugged Aesop. He didn't let go.

"Do you have any idea how scared I was..." Eli said as he buried his head into Aesop's chest.

"I'm so sorry..." Aesop repeated.

"Can I kiss you..?" Eli hesitantly asked.

"Of course..come here," Aesop said as he leaned towards Eli.

"I love you" Eli whispered as he smiled.

"I love you too" Aesop whispered back.

Then the two heard the door open.

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