Chapter 19

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The room was awkwardly silent.

Eli was sat on Aesop's bed while Aesop was sat at his desk, Vera pulled up a chair on the opposite side of his desk and was watching as Aesop took out some products.

Eli was sat with Brooke Rose perched on his arm. He was leaning against the headboard and Brooke was enjoying affection from the seer.

"Brooke must really like you Aesop, she's always looking in your direction," The perfumer said as she moved a strand of hair out of her face.

Aesop smiled a bit under his mask, he knew Eli had a habit of looking at Aesop through Brooke, especially during matches they had together,"Yeah, I guess she does like me,"

"So where are you and Martha going? You said you were going on a date," The seer said as he sat up and turned towards Vera.

"Probably just a walk around the woods, I don't think we'll be gone for more than an hour" She replied.

"Isn't it still snowy outside? You'll practically freeze," The seer said with mere concern for the woman.

"Don't worry, I'll layer up a bit before I leave,"She said with a giggle.

"Do you want a more natural look or something to match your garments?" Aesop asked as he showed Vera some eyeshadow palettes.

"Something like my outfit I think, so maybe like pinks and purples?" Vera replied as she pointed to the palette by his left hand.

Aesop nodded and put the other palette back in his make-up box.

He selected some of the other brushes he had previously selected and started working on the girl's eyeshadow.

Aesop spent the next 10 minutes working on the perfumer's eye make-up.

Eli had his blindfold on and was facing towards the window, Brooke Rose was still looking at Aesop. She was perched on the window sill with the wind blowing on her gently.

Aesop acknowledged the fact that Eli was looking at him practically the whole time, he wasn't jealous, he couldn't help but smile under his mask as well.

After another small while of silence, Vera spoke up, "Have you two been on a date yet?"

Aesop froze for a split second, so did Eli. Obviously they had been, but they also snuck out and if anyone was to find out it was them..

"Yeah, we have." The seer said. Brooke Rose had turned around as was facing the window now.

Eli took of his blindfold and let it fall loosely around his neck, his owl had gone outside and was flying into the woods now, she often did that at night.

"Where did you go exactly?" The perfumer asked as she closed her eyes again.

"It was just a walk in the woods, a walk and talk basically," Aesop answered as he switched brushes again.

Aesop didn't mention the part where they danced together, he wanted to keep that to Eli and himself. It was romantic, it felt like a dream come true, it felt like the best thing on Earth. He would definitely look for an opportunity to do it again.

"Anyways, I'll be done in a few minutes, I just need to touch up the mascara and you'll be ready," Aesop said as he checked Vera's face from both sides, making sure he did it correctly.

"Thank you so much Aesop, I totally owe you now," Vera said as she fixed her braid a bit.

"Ok I'm done," Aesop said as he moved away from Vera, cracking his knuckles as he did so.

Vera stood up and made her way over to the full body mirror. She leaned in a bit and  looked at her make-up.

"I-" The girl was lost for words, "Aesop this is amazing! Thank you so much," She said with a huge smile.

"Your welcome," The embalmer replied with a small smile, "You should get going, it's already 09:20," He added as he glanced at the clock.

"Oh yeah! Bye and yet again, thank you!" Vera said as she headed out of the door.

Aesop started putting away his supplies, brushes, palettes, ect.

"You know I noticed you looking at me," Aesop said as he lowered his mask.

"What do you mean?" Eli said with a smile as he continued looking out of the window, this time his blindfold was in his hand.

"I'm not stupid, y'know" Aesop said as he sat down next to Eli.

"Maybe I did take a small peek at you once or twice," Eli said as he leaned back a bit.

"You have me all the time, yet you can never get enough of me" Aesop laughed.

"That's because you're so pretty," Eli said as he took Aesop's hand in his own.

Aesop pulled Eli closer to him, the door wasn't locked and he was aware of that, but they weren't going to do anything but share a quick kiss.

Eli quickly pulled away when he heard the door open.

"Sorry, I forgot my bag-" The perfumer stood in the door way.

In the most awkward, heavy silence, the perfumer collected her bag and left, closing the door behind her.

Aesop got up and locked the door after another few minutes passed.

"Please remember the door lock next time, my love..." The seer spoke as he moved back next to Aesop.

"I will, trust me..." Aesop said as he rested his head on the seer's shoulder.

"God, I'm so tired," Aesop complained.

"No wonder you are, you hardly slept last night," Eli said as he put his arms around his lover.

"I know, I know.." The embalmer yawned.

By now Brooke Rose had come back in to Aesop's room, she was perched on the window sill facing the seer.

"Y'know what? I'll go take Brooke back to my room, you can change into your pyjamas, okay?" Eli suggested as he sat up a bit.

Aesop sat up as well, "Sure, we can go to bed early tonight.."

"I'll be back in 5 minutes then," The seer said as he gave his lover a small kiss on the cheek.

His owl flew after him when he opened the door, she sat herself on Eli's shoulder. Eli gave Aesop one last smile before he closed the door and went back to his room.

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