Chapter 11

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Aesop Carl and Eli Clark were currently sitting on top of the bed, leaning on the headboard together and focusing on nothing more than eachother. It was still early, around 4:40 AM, they weren't going to do anything along of those lines since they had only been together as lovers for a couple of days.

Right now, they were just exchanging small kisses between eachother, they were quiet enough for nobody to hear them so there wasn't anything to worry about. Eli had one of his arms around Aesop's waist, holding him close while the other was holding his face gently. Aesop had both of his arms around Eli's neck and couldn't stop smiling. The both of them were giggling like idiots.

"I love you so much..." Eli said as he pulled away temporarily and gave a soft smile to his lover. Now both of them were smiling like idiots.

"I love you too," Aesop answered in a sweet, hushed voice.

Aesop had moved Eli on his lap again, luckily now they didn't have a chance of being walked in on again, they would hear anyone if they were outside the hallway either way.

"You're okay with this, right?" Aesop asked reassuringly since he couldn't see his facial expression in the dim room.

"Of course I am" Eli gave him a small smile, even though he couldn't really see it, "To be honest if I was I would have said so, so you don't have to ask" he laughed a bit.

"Oh, sorry.." Aesop apologised with a sincere expression on his face.

"Come here..." The seer leaned in to give the embalmer a kiss, which he happily returned.

"I don't think I'll ever get enough of you," Eli said as he wrapped his arms around his one and only. Aesop returned the hug, resting his head in the crook of Eli's neck. He honestly felt like crying from the bliss of having someone love him.

"Just don't fall asleep again," Aesop laughed as he held Eli close.

"I won't..don't worry," Eli laughed along.

The two decided to lie down and get more comfy with eachother. Eli was running his fingers through Aesop's hair, playing with it a bit. He didn't notice Aesop was even asleep until he looked back at his face, he couldn't help but smile at how peaceful he looked. "Sweet dreams..." The seer muttered before he closed his eyes to go back to sleep.


Eli was awoken by heavy beathing. He opened his eyes to see Aesop wasn't lying down next to him anymore. It was still dark outside and it wasn't like the two of them could have possibly slept through the whole entire day, they must have only napped for 10-20 minutes. The golden light of the sun was filtering in from the drawn curtains, it was warm.

He sat up to see Aesop sitting at the end of the bed, turned away from him. Eli reached out an arm for him to take, but he flinched away.

"Hey Aesop, are you okay?" Eli asked with concern laced in his voice. He was sat up by now, cautiosly watching Aesop.

"Yeah, I'm fine, go back to sleep I probably woke you up..." His breath hitched and he let the tears come.

"Can I hug you?" Eli asked as he moved a bit closer to him.

Aesop nodded and Eli immediately embraced him. This was a common occurence for the both of them, none of the manor residents had it easy. He held him close as Aesop cried into his chest, Eli felt relieved to be such a comfort to him, but in reality he felt horrible for not being able to be there for him the times before. It used to be worse after all.

"So...are you okay-" Eli asked worryingly before he got interrupted.

"I said I'm fucking fine!" Aesop snapped as he pushed Eli away.

Eli stayed quiet. He didn't know how to really respond.

Aesop realised what he had said and done and started frantically apologising, "I...I'm so sorry...I'm sorry, please don't be mad" He reached his arm out to Eli, who was now on the opposite side of the bed.

Eli swatted his arm away, before getting up and quietly saying, "I'm gonna go get some fresh air..."

And so he left. Leaving Aesop alone in his room in dead silence and a tense atmosphere. He lied down in bed, by now he didn't personally care if he fell asleep again or anything. The embalmer felt such remorse, he shouldn't have snapped like that, he could have just shut up and kept quiet instead of yelling like that. Hopefully he didn't wake anyone else up.


The seer was on the balcony located on the 3rd floor. Not many people went there often, excluding him and a few others. He often went there after nightmares, or just to see the sunrise. He planned on bringing Aesop here sometime,  but now he didn't really feel like it. It was freezing outside, after all he just left without any coat or jacket, he didn't mind the cold much though.

The sun was slowly rising tinting the sky a golden orange. While Eli admired the sky and nature around him, his thoughts raced.

Maybe if he didn't keep asking and annoying Aesop if he was alright, he never would have yelled. Eli knew he had it worse than him, sometimes he could see small scars and old bruises that probably never healed on his arms when he rolled his sleeves up, but he never pointed it out.

He felt tears well up in his eyes but he blinked them away, this wasn't about him. Hell, he should be in Aesop's room comforting him. Right as he was about to turn back and go see Aesop again he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder.

Speak of the devil. He turned around to see Aesop standing there with an expression of sorrow on his face. The two just looked eachother in the eyes, neither of them spoke.

"I...I'm sorry...I shouldn't have yelled like that" Aesop spoke as his voice quivered quite a bit.

"It's okay...I forgive you" Eli said with a small smile on his face.

Aesop and Eli embraced eachother and just stayed there together, the cold didn't bother them anymore.

"Can I-" Eli was about to ask his usual question before Aesop cut him off.

"Of course you can" Aesop answered as he left Eli's arms.

Despite the bitter cold of the snowy weather, the kiss they shared was warm and delightful, as it always was.

(If there are typos it's because this was written in the span of two hours at 01:28 AM)

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