(Y/N) woke up cold, the sweat that drenched them in their doze had chilled their skin. For a moment they forgot where they were and moved to sit up, but the aching in their shoulder and headache throbbing behind their eyes brought memories flooding back. A startled gasp made (Y/N) turn, their eyes adjusting to the dimness of the room to see Dr. Harvey propped in an armchair beside their bed, a book in his lap.
"You're awake," he said softly, rising from his seat and reaching for a bottle on the nightstand beside their bed. Marnie's basket still sat there as well. "I meant to give you medicine before you fell asleep. I didn't want to wake you, so I waited."
Looking up at Dr. Harvey's face, (Y/N) could see he looked exhausted. With a warm feeling of gratitude, (Y/N) guessed he had sat at their side until they woke up. He set the bottle in their lap and walked over to a small fridge across the room, pulling out a bag of ice. "Do you feel like you can keep the medicine down?" He asked when he had returned.
(Y/N) nodded, their throat so dry and sore words seemed too much of a challenge. Dr. Harvey seemed to understand, because he went back to the fridge to retrieve a water bottle while (Y/N) choked down the thick, vile medicine. They must have been making a face, because when Dr. Harvey returned he let out a soft chuckle. "I know, nasty isn't it? Here, have some water."
Gratefully (Y/N) took the bottle and chugged it greedily. The icy water felt like heaven on their sore throat. With a content sigh they croaked out, "I never thanked you. I'm sorry."
Dr. Harvey shook his head. "You were hardly in a state to do it. And plus, I'm a doctor, no need to thank me for doing my job." He moved to press the bag of ice to their forehead.
(Y/N) smiled and took it gently from his hands, "I can do it. You've done more than enough." His eyes widened a bit in embarrassment and he cleared his throat before nodding.
After a few minutes Dr. Harvey disappeared to another part of the clinic and came back with a splint. He fit it securely in place before grabbing a few more bottles of medicine and explaining when to take them and what they were for. When everything was settled he gave a weary sigh, though barely audible. "Do you need anything else for the night, (Y/N)?"
They shook their head, giving him an awkward smile, "I'll be fine. But you look like you need some rest, doctor. Can't take care of me if you don't take care of yourself." As if on cue, Dr. Harvey gave a yawn and chuckled, nodding.
"Alright. Just push that button on the remote next to your bed if you need me. Goodnight, (Y/N)."
"Goodnight, Dr. Harvey!" They called, waving at him with their good arm. He gave a wave back and slipped through the clinic door, climbing the stairs to his home.
The next morning (Y/N) woke up feeling immensely better. Still sick, mind you, but a lot less feverish and their headache was gone. Their stomach growled rather loudly when they drank the remainder of their water. "Oh, I guess I haven't eaten in a while." They barely noticed yesterday, relieved to just have something to drink.
(Y/N) reached over to grab the medication Dr. Harvey left, but upon reading the labels all of them had to be taken after a meal. With a sigh they placed them back, and that's when the basket Marnie had left caught their eye. Reaching a little farther they grasped the handle and set it on their lap, pulling back the chicken-patterned cloth covering its contents.
(Y/N)'s heart soared when the smell of wild berries hit their nose, and a beautifully baked cobbler sat in a tupperware bowl along with a carton of freshly laid eggs and a bottle of cow's milk. A smile crept its way onto their face and a warm feeling spread through their chest. They were nervous about having only one neighbor at first, but Marnie seemed like a very sweet woman.
Having no utensils (Y/N) decided to use their fingers to shovel the cobbler in their mouth, the biting hunger in their belly too strong to wait and eat it properly. It was packed well and still warm, and the berries were sweet and potent with flavor. It filled their belly comfortably but was gone too soon. They lick their lips and started to suck the berry syrup off their fingers when Dr. Harvey walked in.
He gave a soft laugh before he spoke, "good morning (Y/N), I see you already found breakfast." He turned to a paper towel dispenser and grabbed a few, handing it to them. (Y/N) smiled sheepishly and took them, twisting the paper towels between their fingers to get the cobbler off.
"How's that shoulder doing?" Dr. Harvey asked.
(Y/N) gave their arm a testing stretch, and immediately regretted it. "Ouch, not good." They mumbled through gritted teeth.
Dr. Harvey nodded, "it'll take about six weeks to heal. All we can do is give you medicine for the pain." (Y/N)'s heart sank. They'd be out of work for six weeks, and they had little to no money as it was. They groaned and rubbed their forehead feeling another headache coming, though from stress this time.
Dr. Harvey gave a sympathetic look. "Not good news for a farmer, I know. But don't worry, you'll have support, I promise." He grabbed the medicine bottles next to (Y/N) and took out the correct dosage, then offered a glass of water that they didn't see before.
After thanking him and swallowing the pills, (Y/N) swung their legs off the bed and attempted to stand. They soon realized their mistake as their legs wobbled and buckled underneath them, sending them rather quickly to the floor. Closing their eyes and bracing themselves, they expected to meet the cold, hard tile. Instead firm hands hooked under their arms and hauled them upward.
Their face smooshed against rough knitted fabric and their good arm flailed for a grip. Once they were stable, they peeked up into the startled face of Dr. Harvey. Warmth crept up into (Y/N)'s cheeks as he shifted their weight to hook his arm around their shoulders. They leaned into his side gratefully.
"I-I'm sorry, Doctor." (Y/N) spluttered, utterly embarrassed.
"Please, call me Harvey," he responded softly, his voice a little shaky. "And it's alright. Where were you looking to go?"
(Y/N) opened their mouth to respond but hesitated, their face flushing a bit more. "The um, the bathroom."
Harvey gave a short laugh, "I'm more than happy to help you to it. Would you need help in there?"
(Y/N) shook their head vigorously, causing Harvey to chuckle. This was going to be an interesting few days for them both.

Enjoy Life With Me {Harvey x Reader}
ФанфикA farmer moves to Stardew Valley and takes a liking to a certain adorable doctor. {Gender Neutral Pronouns} {Eventual Smut}