Chapter One: Surprise Doctor's Visit

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Recently moved to Stardew Valley, the newly acclaimed farmer (Y/N) was far from getting everything they needed set up for their new life.

It wasn't to say that they hadn't enjoyed unpacking and cleaning out the weeds from the crop beds, or dusting around their new home and cleaning the floors. There was a comforting satisfaction about setting up your own home.

But adjusting to a farmhouse with no heating or air conditioning was tough, especially in the midst of autumn. The windows never seemed to shut all the way, and as a result the chilly, musty smelling breeze would sweep across the house, chilling the wooden floors to the touch. It was a nightmare to walk anywhere in the house without socks or slippers.

And as fate would have it, it was only a matter of time before (Y/N) got a cold due to the new stress on their shoulders of upholding a new farm, and the icy wind that made their nose run.

At first they ignored it, going on to till the soil and plant seeds and blaming the ache of their body on the fact that the new work was exercising their unused muscles. It had only been about two weeks since they had gotten there anyway, it was only natural to be sore. But then the headaches and fever started, making them collapse in the soft earth of their growing crops one frosty morning.

Luckily one of their only neighbors, Marnie, spotted them face down in the soil on her way to deliver a welcome gift and immediately sent her nephew Shane to get help.

Now (Y/N) lay in a sterile smelling room, groaning and wiping the sweat from their forehead. As soon as they stir a series of startled noises at their awakening sound from across the room.

"Jesus," a gruff sounding voice sighs, partly in annoyance and partly in relief, "I thought they had keeled over out there."

"Shane," an older, more mature woman's voice chides, "don't make it as if it was a trouble to help them. They must be embarrassed already." The only response to her is a crossed huff.

(Y/N) blinks open their eyes as the metal tip of a thermometer is pressed to their lips, "please put this under your tongue, (Y/N)." A man with a round face and a mustache gazes down at them with gentle, warm eyes. Scrambling to understand what was happening, they slowly part their lips and took the thermometer into their mouth without question. "Do you remember what happened before you were brought here, (Y/N)?"

They shake their head as, presumably the doctor, takes the thermometer from their mouth after a long beep. His eyebrows furrow and he frowns as he looks down at it. "One hundred and three. Goodness, you should've come here sooner." He addresses them softly.

"I'm sorry, what's going on?" (Y/N) tries to prop themself up on their elbows, but a pain shoots up through their arm and into their shoulder. When they let out a hiss of pain the doctor moves toward them in alarm, pushing them gently to lay back down.

"You collapsed in your field," the woman's voice comes from the other side of the room, which they now recognize to be their neighbor Marnie, "when you fell, your shoulder hit a rock and broke, I'm afraid." The look in her eyes is sympathetic, and her hands are folded politely in front of her with a basket handle clasped tightly in them. From the position they were laying, (Y/N) couldn't quite see the basket's contents.

"Oh, I see," (Y/N) pauses for a bit, letting it sink in, "did you get help for me? Thank you Marnie."

The older woman smiles sweetly, "no worries dear! Although you should thank Shane mostly, he carried you all the way here!" She turns and pats a short, disheveled man on the shoulder. He only glances at (Y/N) and looks away, mumbling something under his breath.

"Thank you, Shane." They offer a smile but he doesn't look at them, instead standing straight from his position of leaning against the door frame.

"Whatever," he turns and shoves his way through the door, "don't die." An uneasy look crosses Marnie's face as she watches him go, but she sighs and instead turns to the doctor. (Y/N) had almost forgotten he was in here. He's been so quiet.

"What's going to happen? Will they be able to go home?" Marnie asks the doctor. He turns to (Y/N), a calculating look in his eyes.

"I'm afraid since the fever was left unchecked for so long, you'll need to remain in the clinic for the night," he finally says, "if the fever isn't down by tomorrow, maybe another night." (Y/N)'s heart sinks, but they try not to show it. After all these people had done for them, they don't want to seem ungrateful.

"Okay, thank you doctor." (Y/N) tries to sound somewhat enthusiastic, but they can't keep the nervousness out of their voice.

The doctor's expression shifts to one of sympathy, and he gives a small smile, "Dr. Harvey, it's nice to meet you (Y/N). I promise you'll be well taken care of here." He extends his hand out to shake.

"It's nice to meet you too, Dr. Harvey." They go to stick their hand out, but immediately groan in pain and shove their arm back down. Harvey jumps and apologizes, shuffling off and mumbling something about getting an icepack and a splint. A tickle of red crept up to his cheeks in embarrassment.

After about a half an hour of chatting, Marnie says her goodbyes and leaves the basket she was holding on the side table next to (Y/N)'s bed, explaining it to be a welcome gift. After many thanks from the farmer she makes her way out of the clinic, leaving (Y/N) alone.

The fever and headache throbbing behind their eyes grows until they can barely keep their eyes open, and soon the drift into a sweaty, aching sleep.

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