2014 ALDC Showcase: One For The History Books

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After two weeks of attending competitions in Pittsburgh, oh, and being on the top of the pyramid for beating Maddie, Kenzie, 'Tea, and Ava, it was the week for the showcase.

"All right, this is the dance concert week. You'd better know what you're doing. All right, I have invited Kamryn here. You're going to perform on our big dance concert coming up. I'm gonna move along to the pyramid right now."

Abby reveals the first headshot.

"Chloe. You had an injury, you went to get it looks at, you missed a whole day of rehearsal. That's why you're on the bottom."

"Wait. She legitimately had something that we were taking care of, a medical thing." Christi says.

I really want to know if Chloe's injured or not, I mean if she's injured she should rest, but at the same time I remember that she's a Lukasiak and Abby's Abby.


Maddie  Melanie  Kendall

Mackenzie  Chloe

After the pyramid and group rehearsal, I start working on all the stuff I have to do for Saturday, this will be a busy week, and I know we say that every single year, but not every single year the dance concert is dedicated to Mrs. Miller. For example, the opening number it's supposed a senior jazz number, I'm supposed to dance after them with my 'Don't You Worry Child' solo. I'm actually really excited, but also really nervous because I don't want to let anyone down, but I have a lot of numbers.

"I'm not really sure if you should do your musical theatre solo or your tap solo." Gianna says as I enter studio B, "Which one do you like more?"

"Maybe the 'Little Miss Tapper'?" I ask.

"Okay, so let's get working, you also got the photoshoot on ten minutes." Gianna says and I look at her.

"Ten minutes? I'm supposed to practice that solo on ten minutes?" I ask and she nods.

"You have one of the most busy schedules around here. You also have to meet up with James after the photoshoot." Gianna says and I sigh.

"I forgot about that." I say and start practicing.

After those 10 minutes I have to go change into my 'Opportunity' costume and enter studio C.

"Oh good, you're here." Kenzie says.

"Wait, weren't you supposed to be rehearsing for the the group dances?" I ask.

"I rehearsed like five already and I'm not working with every single one." Kenzie tells me.

"Next!" I hear Abby say and I walk on front of the cameras, "Okay, I think a tilt would work well, also an a la secondé."

We take the pictures and then I have to go change into some other costumes and we continue like that. After 2 whole hours I leave and go back to the Dancer's Den.

"I give up!" I say as I enter and Maddie and Kendall look at me.

"Stressed much?" Maddie asks.

"I still have to meet up with James today, I have to go home to do some homeschool and I'm busy the whole day tomorrow. I want a break." I say, "Why did I say that I liked this?"

"No idea." Kendall says.

•Two Days To Recital•

"Sassy!" Abby yells as we practice.

The minis and I were practicing another group dance for the showcase. It's called 'Something I Don't Know', and the song is actually Selena Gomez's 'Tell Me Something I Don't Know'. I was the lead on the dance, and we also had to use props. The props were brooms, and we were supposed to dress as maids. Also the dance was jazz, and it was hard. One more thing, I had to pretend the broom was a microphone, so I had to lipsynch.

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