Nia Saves The Day

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"All right, so we need to get through the pyramid and start with the choreography." Abby says as we get into our positions, "On the bottom, we have Brynn."

"Why?" Ashlee asks.

"Because Brynn does well in a group dance, but you don't stand out in a group. You don't draw me in." Abby explains.

"You said we were still on probation." Ashlee says, "You said Brynn's great, you said I suck. You basically said I need to kiss your butt like Melissa does."

"I think, maybe you're the replacement." Abby tells her, "Maybe you could help me out and answer the phone a little bit."

"If you want me to." Ashlee shrugs.

"Next on the pyramid." Abby continues, "We have Maddie."

"What?!" All the moms ask and I bit my lip.

Don't you dare laugh.

"Maddie, it was fine. You were in the group dance. We're thrilled to have you back." Abby reveals the next headshot, "Kendall, and next, Kalani. Moving up, we have Nia, and JoJo. Next is Melanie. I guess it's no surprise now. On top of the pyramid was our highest-scoring soloist, Mackenzie."


Melanie   JoJo   Nia

Kalani   Kendall   Maddie   Brynn

"We're going to Fierce Dance Competition at Panorama City High School. This week, the group routine will pay homage to none other than Mr. Bob Fosse." Abby announces, "Our routine will be entitled 'Bittersweet Charity'. You're dance hall girls. Obviously, you will be wearing heels." We all clap and Kalani and I share a knowing look, "We have two duets. My first duet is going to Kendall and Kalani. You are doing a jazz duet. The name of the duet is 'Grifters' and a grifter is a con artist. Kalani, what is the deal with your mother?"

"She doesn't want to be here, so." Kalani answers.

"That's not okay." Abby tells her, "My second duet is going to Maddie and Brynn. Okay, so--"

"Ashlee's dreams are coming true." Holly comments.

I look over to the moms and notice Ashlee smiling like the Cheshire Cat.

"Your lyrical duet is entitled 'Together as One'." Abby says and pyramid ends.

I leave with Kenzie, Nia, and JoJo, or as I like to say, last week's soloists.

Our plans for today? Playing Monopoly.

"It's my property!" Kenzie yells, "It's my property, just pay!"

"I did that last round!" JoJo yells.

"So?! You have to do it again?!"

Nia and I look at each other.

"You know what?" Kenzie stands up, "I'm sick and tired of playing this game. Goodbye."

She storms off and JoJo leaves too.

"What did we think we would actually finish the game this time?" Nia asks and I shrug.

"We never do." I say, "Now we just got to put it all away."

"I wanna play." Maddie says as she walks in with Brynn.

"Whoa, what happened?" Brynn asks as they both noticed the money scattered all around the board.

"Kenzie and JoJo fought." I tell them, "At least this wasn't Uno."

"Agreed." All the girls smile as we start playing again.

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