Nia Risks It All

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I look at myself on the mirror for the hundredth time today, I was going to eat lunch with Liam, and it wasn't a big deal, right? It wasn't a big deal at all! But somehow I still felt the need to look nice, I don't know why. I didn't like the fact that after lunch we needed to go straight to the studio, if something amazing happens the mood will drastically change because of Abby, like always. Another reason why I didn't like that it was because of my clothes. I obviously had to wear ALDC stuff.

"Melanie, prince charming is here." Kenzie says and I look at her annoyed.

"Please stop with that." I say as I take my dance bag.

"Fine, but I just wanna say that you better end up with him because if not I owe Maddie twenty dollars." Kenzie says and I look at her shocked.

"Did you seriously make a bet on the two of us?" I ask and cross my arms.

"Maybe." Kenzie answers taking her dance bag, "Also, Katherine is taking you to dance, Mom is going to eat lunch with Jill, so Mads and I are going with her."

I leave and go to the hotel's restaurant, where Liam is waiting for me.

"Pizza? Am I really that obvious?" I say sitting down and taking a slice of the pizza, "Also sorry for the clothes, I always have to be a walking ALDC billboard."

"ALDC billboard?" Liam asks and we laugh.

We start talking about random stuff and continue eating pizza, I'll tell you how I met him, so it starts back at 2009.


It was November 7, 2009. I was 3 back then, yeah a lot of stuff happened when I was 3. All of the preschoolers were on Studio A. We were sitting on the floor, waiting for Mrs. Vicky to tell us what to do.

"Okay you're all going to have partners. First we have Klara And Gabriel. Next, Julie and Peter--" Mrs. Vicky continued reading some stuff and I started playing with my hair, "And finally, Melanie and Liam."

I look over to a group of boys, the Liam boy was sitting next to Peter boy. I stand up and go over to him.

"Hi!" I say.

"Hi." He says.

We soon start dancing, or jumping in rhythm. It was really fun, and Liam boy was funny. 


Yeah pretty simple, but that's how I met him. I then stared at his green eyes, and got lost in them.

"Melanie, Melanie!" Liam says and I snap back into reality.

"Sorry, got . . . Distracted." I say.

Why does this keep on happening? I've known for so long, but only now I feel this way.

"I was saying that if you have not thought of leaving the show?" Liam asks

"I can't, I'm under a 6-year contract." I say.


"Also I don't think Mom will leave any time soon." I add.

I check my phone.

12:45 pm

"I think we should leave now." Liam says standing up.

"Yeah, to have Abby yell at us for her not doing her job." I say and we laugh.

We go outside and get into his mom's car.

"Ladies first." He says holding the door.

"Thank you!" I say getting inside.

Why do I like that cheesy stuff? But it was so cute! We get to the studio and enter for pyramid. I take off my street clothes, revealing my dance clothes. We all form a line.

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