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Nicole looked out the window of Yasmine's car, the music blaring in her ears, wishing she could be anywhere but there

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Nicole looked out the window of Yasmine's car, the music blaring in her ears, wishing she could be anywhere but there. She never really wanted to be friends with any of those people, but they were Sam's friends, so she had to tolerate them.

Nicole didn't mind Moon, she was a sweet girl, but Yasmine was a bitch and some of the guys that they hung out with were assholes.

"Nicole, please tell me you're sitting with us when we go back to school. You can't spend your entire year sitting with nerds again." Yasmine said.

Nerds. Nicole repeated in her head and rolled her eyes.

"They aren't nerds, Yasmine, they're really sweet and pretty cool." Nicole defended, then looked back out the car window she was staring out of before.

"Whatever you say! You could even bring Courtney with you to the table." Yasmine put her hands up.

"Yeah, she's pretty hot." Moon smirked and they all giggled, except for Nicole.

"Oh god, keep your eyes on the road, Yas." Sam pointed to the wheel.

"Hey girls," Moon smirked as she dug through her bag. "Why don't we spice things up."

In her hand, was a bag of chocolate-chip cookies.

"You want to spice things up with...cookies?" Sam raised her eyebrows.

"They're not just regular cookies, dumbass, they're edibles." Yasmine replied.

"You guys..." Sam trailed off.

"Oh come on, don't be a baby." Yasmine said as Moon took a bite of one.

She started giggling and then swallowed it.

"Any other takers?"

Yasmine took one hand off of the wheel and raised it.

"Yas, no, you're driving." Sam shook her head.

"Then you have one. Come on, Samantha." Moon taunted, giggling even more.

Nicole looked over at her sister, noticing that she was conflicted, and sighed. "I'll do it."

She held out her hand and Moon placed the cook.

"You go, CoCo." Yasmine smiled as she ate the cookie.

Nicole hated the nickname CoCo just as much as she hated being around these girls.

Sam looked over at her sister worriedly.

"I'm okay, Sammy. Nothing I haven't done before." Nicole shrugged, trying to reassure her younger twin sister, who was only younger by fifteen minutes.

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