Chapter 02

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BATIM - Fallen Angel

Chapter 02

The sheep and angel are running fast as they could through the crowded streets of Sillyvision Town. The toons were looking at them with weird expressions, thought they were in hurry or some crazy lunatics.

"Amy, slow down... Where are you taking me...!" Henry pleased to the sheep girl.

Amy is hold Henry's hand tight for not letting, scared the he may get lost in the crowded. Then she dragging him to the ally to hide. She looks behind the wall to scanned the whole area to make sure they are safe.

Henry try to catch his breath and be able to know what is happening around him, "A-Amy... 'sigh' Please tell me! What's going on, and why are were hiding?"

Amy didn't respond, she was still looking of whoever is out there, hoping they aren't nearby. She was started shaking horrified and her eyes were wet in fear, as her head sweat in ink.

Henry could see his friend trembling in fear, what was she so afraid about? He crouches down to her level and hugged her. He has such a way to dealing with children... Sometimes he babysitting Joey's niece whenever she came to the studio, she is a very shy little girl, but she loves to hanging around with he and always watching him draw... Well, he doesn't have kids, but he has the experience to comfort a scared and sad child.

"Amy, it's okay! Don't be scared... just tell me what's wrong?!" He whispered quietly.

"Oh, Mr. Henry... I'm so sorry...!" She starts explained and crying, "I just saw those three were... looking at you...!"

"Wh-What do you mean?!" Henry asked with worries.

Amy tried her best to tell him, but her voice was shaking in fear, "T-They are after you... Y-You have to get away... or you'll be end up... like... Like Ms. Alice...!"

Henry eyes wide in shocked and horror by hearing this, "W... What...?" He couldn't get any words out from his mouth.

"Well, well, well... Look what we have here, boys!" A nasty voice said behind them.

Amy gasped and Henry immediately turn around to see who it was?! Just a few feet right in front of them, they were same three toons that Henry saw them at Café and he knows who they were! They were called The Butcher Gang... The members are Charley, Barley and Edgar, but they seem so tall and differed shape that he draws them. Who could this be?

"Angels are pretty rare in this town, don'tcha think, Barley?" Their leader Charley snickered his partner while he's looking at Henry wings to examined

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"Angels are pretty rare in this town, don'tcha think, Barley?" Their leader Charley snickered his partner while he's looking at Henry wings to examined.

"I agree, Charley." Barley replied with evil smile.

"Oh, oh! And look at this cute little shining golden halo he had! It soooo pretty!" Edgar the smallest one said, his eyes were twinkled happily by looking at gold halo.

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