Josh looked at Tyler. Tyler looked at Josh. Josh stuck out his tongue. "What the fuck," Tyler whispered, looking away. "You cuss a lot," Josh giggled. Tyler grinned, he stuck his tongue out before slamming Josh on the ground. "Tyler!" Josh whined loudly, pushing Tyler off from him. Tyler wailed, he knocked Josh's phone out of his hand. Josh laughed. "You're so cute?" Josh whispered. Tyler's eyes widened. "I WASN'T BEFORE?" He screamed. Josh started crying. "I forgot dinner," he sobbed. Tyler started crying too, he was horny. Josh stopped crying, he cooked dinner. Tyler watched. "Josh, you have a nice ass," Tyler whispered.
"No," Josh sniffed, the pan caught fire. Uh oh. No din din. Tyler opened the cabinet, the door fell from its hinges. "Uhm," Tyler said. Josh fell onto the stove, he broke it. "Josh!" Tyler yelled. "Don't get mad at me! I'm your best friend!" Josh sobbed. Tyler nodded, he hugged Josh tightly. "Tyler, our songs are so good," Josh whispered. "Because I write them," Tyler whispered.
The doorbell rang. Tyler opened it. "I am here to inform you that your song "Stressed Out" has been nominated for a grammy," it was Alex Turner. "What," Tyler said. They slammed the door on him. Tyler jumped when he saw Jimmy Urine. "JOSH!" Tyler yelled. Josh ran to Tyler. "What?" he asked. "It's Jimmy Urine," Tyler said. Jimmy started taking off his clothes. He started singing, his last gay song. Josh's eyes widened. "Don't you have a wife!" he yelled. "Oh, nevermind," Jimmy exclaimed, he threw open the door and left, jumping off the balcony. Tyler looked down. "Is he dead?" Tyler asked. "IS CLANCY DEAD?" The clique screamed. Tyler closed the door. Josh looked at him. "Are you ever gonna answer them?" Josh asked. "No," Tyler stated. Josh nodded. "Why are you reading fanfiction of us?" Josh said. Tyler rolled his eyes. "Cause I'm in love with you," Tyler mumbled. "That's nice," Josh said. "Tyler we're rich why don't you buy us a house?" Josh asked. "Cause I don't wanna waste my money," Tyler said. "Okay," Josh said.
The doorbell rang again. Josh opened it. It was MCR. Josh's eyes widened. Tyler frowned. A g-note played. Tyler started crying, he slammed the door shut. Josh laughed at him, then The Rock burst through their window. Tyler cried harder. "That was our last good window!" he yelled. Josh sobbed. The guy left. A baby walked through the door. They screamed. The baby started crying and left.
They both kissed. Josh fucked Tyler's food-eater (this is quoted.)Tyler sobbed. and pushed Josh across the room. Blurryface looked at him. Tyler threw the burning pan at him. Josh screamed. "Do you want Taco Bell?" Josh asked. "Yes, please," Tyler said politely. A man came through the door. It was Justin Biber/Beaiber/Beiber/Idk how to spell this man's name. "Ew," Tyler said. Dallon Weekes came through the door with Taco Bell. Josh hugged him and took the food. Tyler looked at Josh, he wanted a hug too. Dallon performed his song. cw // b-word urie. B-word U-word appeared. They all started screaming. "GET OUT GET OUT! PIECE OF SHIT! EVERYTHING IS YOUR FAULT!" THEY SCREAMED. BRENDON CRIED AND GOT HIS STUPID ASS OUT OF THE FUCKING HOUSE AND THIS STORY. I WILL REFUSE TO EVER SAY HIS NAME EVER AGAIN. cw // over
Josh ate happily. Tyler laughed, he hugged Josh. They both smiled. Then the door fell. Dallon left, this house sucked. Tyler took out his piano and sang a song. Josh didn't know the lyrics, he didn't care. "How come you don't know the lyrics?" Tyler asked. "I do drums, not singing," Josh mumbled. "But you spend hours in the studio with me!" Tyler exclaimed. "I'm too busy memorizing the drums!" Josh said. "You don't have to memorize!" Tyler said. "Then how do I play anything!" Josh yelled. "I want food," Tyler said. "We just ate," Josh said. "I dunno, I want sushi," Tyler said.
Josh banged on his drums. Tyler sobbed. "I'm gonna play for the Beatles," Josh said. Tyler got mad, he made a mad face and went to the kitchen. "Josh, I made five ice cream cones," Tyler said. Josh looked at them. He took 10 of them. Tyler took the last 6. They went to the Grammys.
Josh tripped over his pants. Tyler laughed at him, then he realized he didn't know where his pants were. Tyler ran frantically around the audience trying to find his pants. He cried when he saw Celine Dion. Josh couldn't take off his pants. The people at the front watched them. Everyone was quiet. Jenna laughed hysterically. Josh sobbed on the floor. Then the record label company came and told Tyler he couldn't release Neon Gravestones. Tyler started fighting with them. Josh eventually took off his pants, he looked around for Tyler. His bandmate was getting physical. He ran over and put out his arm. He was the stiff arm guy. Ophrah started singing screamo. Tyler ran onto the stage and took the award before grabbing his wife and best friend and leaving. Security ran after them. Jenna threw her shoes at them. Josh tripped over Tyler's feet. Tyler got tired, his long lungs running out of air. Jenna grabbed a limo, she grabbed Debby. And they drove away. Tyler yelled after them. They both were left. Josh grabbed a security car and pulled Tyler in. They drove after their wives. The car crashed. Tyler flew out, he caught Josh. "You weren't wearing a seatbelt?!" Tyler yelled. Josh shook his head. Tyler took out his phone. He opened Twitter and immediately closed it when he saw it was blowing up. They started running after their wives. Josh smiled when he saw them. He hugged Debby except it wasn't Debby. Josh screamed and left. They both started crying.
Tyler sobbed into Josh's lap. The police came and arrested them. They had a hard time shutting Tyler up. "Ty, stop crying," Josh said. Tyler wailed. Josh looked at the cop. "He needs ketchup with mac and cheese," Josh said. Tyler immediately shut up. "See," Josh said. The cop sighed and ran to the kitchen, accidentally leaving the door open. Josh pulled Tyler out. "What about my food?" Tyler asked. Josh shushed him and pulled him out. They ran away.
They finally got home. They sat on the floor eating salt and vinegar chips. Tyler accidentally tore the bag and the chips fell on the floor. Josh sighed and pulled Tyler close. "Where did our wives go?" Josh asked. "I don't know," Tyler sighed. "Oh well," Josh sighed.
(I DIDN'T LAUGH ONCE UNTIL THE BAG PART AND I FIND EVERYTHING FUNNY this is such an achievement, thank you for the idea. -
Everyone's so happy makes me a ti-bit happier. Y'know that thing where people say someone can be having their best moments while you're having your worst. Unfortunately, it's true :/
That is the end of my speech, have an amazing day. Please reach out if you need anything, from support to just company, we'll try to satisfy those needs. Good luck :)